Mad About You (1992–2019)
Paul Reiser: Paul Buchman
[Paul is licking wedding invitation envelopes]
Jamie Buchman : How are you holding up?
Paul Buchman : Well, if I had two more tongues, I'd be the happiest person on Earth.
Jamie Buchman : (lights a cigarette) Second happiest.
Paul : Just like that: bing, bang, boom?
Jamie : At this point, I'd settle for the boom.
Paul : You don't want the bing and the bang?
Jamie : I did when we started.
Paul : And now?
Jamie : I'm over it.
Paul : You're a very complex woman.
Jamie : You don't want the boom?
Paul : 'Course I want the boom. Guys ALWAYS want the boom. We only made up the whole bing and the bang just to get to boom.
Paul Buchman : What's the big deal with Valentine's Day? It's a made-up holiday. Nobody even knows who this St. Valentine guy was.
Jamie Buchman : He was a Roman priest who defended the Christians and was beheaded by Claudius II on February 14, 269 A.D.
Paul : [on the phone with the vet]
[to Jamie]
Paul : Murray's last bowel movement?
Jamie : Monday.
Lisa Stemple : Can you believe this?
[points to herself]
Lisa Stemple : Saturday.
Paul Buchman : Why is it I love you any more in the middle of February than on, say, August 21st? You know, to me, every day with you is Valentine's Day.
Jamie Buchman : So, in other words, you forgot to buy me a card.
Paul Buchman : That's what I'm saying.
Paul : All I know is I wanna wake up naked with you for the rest of my life.
Jamie Buchman : You are a strange, amazing man.
Paul Buchman : [on the phone] I'm kissing your knees.
Jamie Buchman : Niece? I don't have a niece.
Jamie Buchman : Would you *please* tell Lisa what guys think, when women give in on the first date?
Paul Buchman : [pauses] Yippie?
Paul Buchman : Why would a mango *need* body wash?