Tim Curry credited as playing...
- Gangster: [on a video playing on a TV in another room] You was here last night too, wasn't ya?
- Concierge: [hesitates and unaware he's listening to a video] ... Yes, sir. I was.
- [nods]
- Gangster: [sternly] You was here, and you was smoochin' with my brother!
- [the Concierge assumes that the gangster was referring to the embarrassing incident that happened last night but denies it]
- Concierge: [scoffs, grins in embarrassment and half laughs] I'm-I'm afraid you're mistaken, sir.
- Gangster: Don't gimme that! You've been smoochin' with everybody! Snuffy, Al, Leo, Little Moe with the gimpy leg, Cheeks, Boney Bob, Cliff.
- [the Concierge is shocked and confused by this accusation. Coincidentally, one of the other staff members happens to be called Cliff, it says so on his name badge. He gasps and the others look at him in disbelief, shocked]
- Cliff: [looks alarmed and panics] No... it's a lie!
- Gangster: I could go on forever, baby!
- Concierge: [half laughing] I'm terribly sorry, sir, but I'm afraid you're mistaken. We're looking for a young man.
- Gangster: [on a video playing on a TV in another room] All right. I believe ya... but my Tommy gun don't! Get down on your knees and tell me you love me!
- Concierge: [to the others] On your knees.
- [they get down on their knees. The Concierge is so embarrassed it takes him a few moments to summon up the nerve to say the words]
- Concierge: [with all the enthusiasm he can muster] I love you!
- [in the other room, Kevin snickers and hits the play button again]
- Gangster: You gotta do better than that!
- Concierge, Bellman, Desk Clerk, Cliff, Security Guard: [chorusing] I love you!
- Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: I do hope your father understands that last night I was simply checking the room to make sure everything was in order.
- Kevin McCallister: Well he was pretty mad.
- Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: He was?
- Kevin McCallister: He said he didn't come all the way to New York to get his naked rear end spied on.
- Concierge: And how are we this morning?
- Kevin McCallister: Fine. Is my transportation here?
- Concierge: Out in front, sir. A limousine and a... pi-zza! Compliments of the Plaza Hotel.
- Peter McCallister: I don't think that it's a good idea for you to be running all over New York all by yourself.
- Kate McCallister: I think that if our son can do it, I can do it.
- Peter McCallister: Kate, it...
- Kate McCallister: [determined and annoyed] Peter, I'll be fine. The way I'm feeling right now, no mugger or murderer would dare mess with me!
- [Peter silently backs off]
- Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: Madam, there are hundreds of parasites out there, armed to the teeth...
- [Kate slaps him across the face]
- Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: [somewhat calmly] Do bundle up, it's awfully cold outside.
- [his lips tremble and he starts to cry]
- Peter McCallister: [about Kevin] Well, when you found that the credit was stolen, why didn't you...
- Concierge: [gleefully] I made the discovery.
- Kate McCallister: Why did you let him leave?
- Concierge: When we attempted to confront him, he ran.
- Peter McCallister: Well, you scared him away!
- Kate McCallister: It's Christmas Eve, and because of YOU, our child is lost in one of the BIGGEST cities in the world!
- [Cedric nods at this to the concierge, who glares at Cedric]
- Gangster: [on a video playing on a TV in another room in Kevin's hotel suite] I'm going to give you to the count of three to get your lousy, lyin', low-down, four-flushing carcass out my door!
- [unaware they're only listening to a video and that Kevin has been pausing out the other character's lines, the terrified Concierge and his little group of staff run to the door in a panic]
- Gangster: One... two...
- [the gangster opens fire with his Tommy gun, blasting out dozens of rounds and laughs madly. The Concierge and the others jump out of Kevin's room and take cover, face down, on the floor in the corridor. Other hotel guests step out of their rooms, wondering what's going on]
- Gangster: Three. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal.
- [watching, Kevin mouths the gangster's words. The gangster fires another salvo of bullets]
- Gangster: And a Happy New Year.
- [the gangster fires one last bullet]
- Concierge: [crawling across the floor like a seal] Stay in your rooms! This is an emergency! There's an insane guest with a gun!
- Kevin McCallister: You've gotta help me; there's two guys after me.
- Concierge: [sarcastically] What's the matter? Store wouldn't take your...
- [pulls Kevin's credit card out of his pocket]
- Concierge: Stolen credit card? Let's see what the police have to say about this.
- [in the limousine Kevin watches the cartoon "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!". As the Grinch smiles a huge, evil smile, the picture fades into the Concierge smiling a rather similar smile as the machine he is using to check Kevin's credit card reads "STOLEN"]
- Concierge: [triumphantly] Bingo.
- [coincidentally, a ceiling light above him lights up]
- [the Concierge is after Kevin. As he enters Kevin's suite with a group of hotel staff, Kevin switches on the bedroom TV and plays a video of an old gangster movie]
- Gangster: Hold it right there!
- [unaware it's only a video, the Concierge and the others stop right in their tracks]
- Concierge: [sternly] This is the concierge, sir.
- Gangster: I knew it was you. I could smell ya getting off the elevator!
- Peter McCallister: I'm gonna go down to the police station. I want to make sure that they're doing everything in their power to find Kevin. I want you to stay here with Frank, Leslie, and the kids.
- Kate McCallister: No. I'm going out to look for him.
- Peter McCallister: What?
- Concierge: With all due respect, madam, your son is lost in one of the biggest cities in the world.
- Peter McCallister: [annoyed] Could you stay out of this, please?
- Concierge: As you wish.
- Concierge: Cedric dont count your tips in public and found out everything you can about that young fellow.
- Concierge: [dramatically as he crawls across the floor] Stay in your rooms! This is an emergency! There's an insane guest with a gun!