John Heard credited as playing...
- Peter McCallister: Hey Kevin, you better go put your tie on. We don't wanna be late for the Christmas pageant.
- Kevin McCallister: My tie is in the bathroom and I can't go in because Uncle Frank is taking a shower. He says that if I walked in there and saw him naked, I'd grow up never feeling like a real man.
- [Peter and Kate stare]
- Kevin McCallister: Whatever that means.
- Peter McCallister: [after a pause, chuckles] I'm sure he was kidding. Just, uh, run in there, get your tie, get out, and don't look at... Anything.
- [last lines]
- Cedrick the Bellman: Mr. McCallister's room service bill, sir.
- [he hands Buzz the bill]
- Cedrick the Bellman: Merry Christmas, sir.
- [he hold out his hand for a tip, of which Buzz hands him gum]
- Cedrick the Bellman: Nice family. Really.
- [Buzz looks at the long room service bill worth over $967.00]
- Buzz McCallister: [sarcastically] Merry Christmas, indeed.
- [loudly]
- Buzz McCallister: Oh, Daaaad...!
- Peter McCallister: [yells out] KEVIN! YOU SPENT $967 ON ROOM SERVICE?
- Kate McCallister, Peter McCallister: [awakening late on morning of travel, again] We did it again! Aaah!
- Brooke McCallister: [passing Kevin's bag back down the line] Kevin's not here.
- Jeff McCallister: Kevin's not here.
- Megan McCallister: Kevin's not here.
- Sondra McCallister: Kevin's not here.
- Rod McCallister: Kevin's not here.
- Linnie McCallister: Kevin's not here.
- Tracy McCallister: Kevin's not here.
- Aunt Leslie McCallister: Kevin's not here.
- Kate McCallister: Kevin's not here.
- Peter McCallister: WHAT?
- Kate McCallister: [laughing, then surprised] KEVIN!
- [faints]
- Officer Bennett: [talking on the phone] Merry Christmas.
- [hangs up and shakes his head]
- Officer Bennett: No sign of him. Well, we're gonna have to be able to get ahold of you. Do you have hotel arrangements?
- Peter McCallister: Yeah.
- Officer Bennett: Do you have a, uh, a recent photo of the boy?
- [Kate looks in her purse]
- Peter McCallister: I have one in my wallet.
- [checks his pants]
- Peter McCallister: I don't *have* my wallet.
- [Kate looks at him]
- Peter McCallister: My wallet's in my bag.
- [realising]
- Peter McCallister: Kevin was looking into my bag at the airport. He was looking for batteries. Kevin has my wallet.
- Officer Bennett: [points to Peter] Did you have credit cards in the wallet?
- Peter McCallister: [shrugs] Credit cards, money...
- Officer Bennett: We'll notify the credit card companies immediately. If your son has the cards, we can get a location on him *when* and *if* he uses them.
- Kate McCallister: [shakes her head] No, I don't think Kevin even knows how to *use* a credit card.
- Buzz McCallister: Okay, everybody, calm down! Calm down! Hey, hey! All right, now, if Kevin hadn't have screwed up in the first place again... Then we wouldn't be in this most perfect and huge hotel room with a truck load of all this free stuff. So I think it only fair that Kevin get to open up the first present. And then I'll go, and the rest of you, and so on.
- [Tosses a package to Kevin]
- Buzz McCallister: Merry Christmas, Kevin.
- Kevin McCallister: Thanks, Buzz.
- Peter McCallister: [the entire family applauds] Merry Christmas, Kevin.
- Uncle Frank McCallister: Okaaay, Kevin! All right, Merry Christmas!
- Buzz McCallister: Okay, enough of this gooey sh... Show of emotion. All right, everyone, let's dig in!
- Peter McCallister: I don't think that it's a good idea for you to be running all over New York all by yourself.
- Kate McCallister: I think that if our son can do it, I can do it.
- Peter McCallister: Kate, it...
- Kate McCallister: [determined and annoyed] Peter, I'll be fine. The way I'm feeling right now, no mugger or murderer would dare mess with me!
- [Peter silently backs off]
- Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: Madam, there are hundreds of parasites out there, armed to the teeth...
- [Kate slaps him across the face]
- Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: [somewhat calmly] Do bundle up, it's awfully cold outside.
- [his lips tremble and he starts to cry]
- Peter McCallister: [about Kevin] Well, when you found that the credit was stolen, why didn't you...
- Concierge: [gleefully] I made the discovery.
- Kate McCallister: Why did you let him leave?
- Concierge: When we attempted to confront him, he ran.
- Peter McCallister: Well, you scared him away!
- Kate McCallister: It's Christmas Eve, and because of YOU, our child is lost in one of the BIGGEST cities in the world!
- [Cedric nods at this to the concierge, who glares at Cedric]
- Officer Bennett: What's the child's name?
- Peter McCallister, Kate McCallister: Kevin.
- Kate McCallister: *K*-E-V... I-N.
- Officer Bennett: When did you see him last?
- Kate McCallister: Curbside check-in?
- Peter McCallister: No, I saw him at the door. He was with us in the terminal.
- Officer Bennett: Most people get seperated at security checkpoints. Did everybody get through security?
- Kate McCallister: I don't know. Peter...
- Peter McCallister: Hurry, we were in a hurry. We-- We had to run all the way to the gate.
- Officer Bennett: When did you *notice* he was missing?
- Kate McCallister: When we... picked up our baggage here.
- Officer Bennett: Has the boy ever run away from home?
- Peter McCallister: No.
- Officer Bennett: Has he ever been in a situation where he's been on his own?
- [Kate shakes her head; Peter gives her a look]
- Peter McCallister: *Mmm*.
- Kate McCallister: As a... matter of fact, this has happened before. It's become sort of a McCallister Family travel tradition.
- Peter McCallister: Funnily enough, we... never lose our luggage.
- [they laugh and knock on the wooden desk; Officer Bennett stares unamused; they stop laughing]
- Kate McCallister: He was left at home, by accident, last year.
- Peter McCallister: That's what my wife meant when she said it was becoming a McCallister Family travel tradition.
- Officer Bennett: [nods] We'll call Chicago and, uh, notify them of the situation. Odds are that's where he is.
- Peter McCallister: Thanks.
- Officer Bennett: *Very* unlikely he'd be anywhere else.
- Buzz McCallister: [after making a formal non-pology to the family; whispers to Kevin] Beat that, you little trout sniffer.
- Kevin McCallister: [gets up] I'm not sorry. I did what I did because Buzz humiliated me and since he gets away with everything, I let him have it. And since you're all so STUPID to believe his lies, I don't care if your idiotic Florida trip gets wrecked or not! Who wants to spend Christmas in a tropical climate, anyway?
- [turns to leave]
- Kate McCallister: Kevin!
- Peter McCallister: Kevin, you walk out of here, you sleep on the third floor.
- Fuller McCallister: [gleefully] Yeah, with me.
- Kevin McCallister: So what else is new?
- Uncle Frank McCallister: You better not wreck my trip, you little sour puss, your dad's paying good money for it.
- Kevin McCallister: Oh, wouldn't wanna spoil your fun, Mr. Cheapskate!
- [Exits]
- Buzz McCallister: What a troubled young man.
- Buzz McCallister: [reads Kevin's room service bill] Merry Christmas, indeed. Oh, Dad!
- Peter McCallister: [furiously] *Kevin! You spent 967 dollars on room service?*
- Buzz McCallister: [to himself] Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...
- [Turns to face his family]
- Buzz McCallister: I'd like to apologize to my family for any inconvenience I may have caused you.
- Kevin McCallister: [to himself, in disbelief] What?
- Buzz McCallister: My prank was immature and ill-timed.
- Uncle Frank McCallister: [laughing] Immature, but it was still pretty Goddarn hilarious.
- [Continues laughing]
- Buzz McCallister: I'd also like to apologize to my brother: Kevin, I'm sorry.
- Kate McCallister: Oh, Buzz, that was very nice.
- [the family claps]
- Kate McCallister: Kevin, do you have something to say?
- Kevin McCallister: [Looking around at his family, staring at him with judging expressions]
- Buzz McCallister: [Softly to Kevin] Beat that, you little trout sniffer.
- Kevin McCallister: I'm not sorry. I did what I did because Buzz humiliated me. And since he gets away with everything, I'll let him have it. And since you're all so stupid to believe his lies, I don't care if you're idiotic Florida trip gets wrecked or not. Who wants to spend Christmas in a tropical climate anyway?
- [Starts to walk away, angry]
- Kate McCallister: Kevin!
- Peter McCallister: Kevin, you walk outta here and you'll sleep on the 3rd floor.
- Fuller McCallister: [In a bratty manner] Yeah, with me.
- [Takes a sip from his Coke can]
- Kevin McCallister: [Sarcastically] So, what else is new?
- Uncle Frank McCallister: You better not wreck my trip, you little sourpuss. Your Dad's paying good money for it.
- Kevin McCallister: Oh, wouldn't want to spoil you're fun, Mr. Cheapskate.
- [Leaves the room, leaving the family in shock]
- Buzz McCallister: [In a kiss-up tone] What a troubled young man.
- Kate McCallister: [learning from the police on the phone that Kevin is in New York] He used your credit card to check into the Plaza Hotel.
- Peter McCallister: Do they still have him?
- Kate McCallister: [into the phone] Do they have him?
- [getting a negative response, she shakes her head]
- Peter McCallister: Damn it!
- Kate McCallister: Okay, we're on the next flight out, thank you.
- [hanging up]
- Kate McCallister: [to the rest of the family] We're going to New York; move it.
- [elation erupts from the rest of the family]
- Kate McCallister: He ran away from the hotel when they questioned him about the card. He must be so scared, Peter.
- Peter McCallister: I wonder if he'd know enough to go to my brother's place?
- Kate McCallister: Aren't they in Paris?
- Peter McCallister: Maybe they have a housesitter.
- Kate McCallister: I thought you said they were renovating.
- Peter McCallister: I'm gonna go down to the police station. I want to make sure that they're doing everything in their power to find Kevin. I want you to stay here with Frank, Leslie, and the kids.
- Kate McCallister: No. I'm going out to look for him.
- Peter McCallister: What?
- Concierge: With all due respect, madam, your son is lost in one of the biggest cities in the world.
- Peter McCallister: [annoyed] Could you stay out of this, please?
- Concierge: As you wish.
- Kate McCallister: He ran away from the hotel when they questioned him about the card. He must be so scared, Peter.
- Peter McCallister: I wonder if he'd know enough to go to my brother's place.
- Kate McCallister: Aren't they in Paris?
- Peter McCallister: Maybe they have a housesitter.
- Kate McCallister: I thought you said they were renovating.