- [last lines]
- Judge: Mr. Tennison, now, would you stand? Bobby Tennison, for the crime of murder in the first degree, the court orders that you'd be punished by confinement for a term of life without parole. Before we leave, there's something else that I wanted to say: How many of you have been hit? Who among you slaps their girlfriends? Well, this is against the law. This is wrong. And you know what? You watched it happen to Stacy and you did nothing. You have a responsibility to the people that you care about. When you see them hurting her, you see them in trouble, you step in and you tell someone so that this does not happen again.
- Bobby Tennison: [Bobby slams Stacy's locker shut] What the hell's wrong with you?
- Stacy Collins: What? What did I do?
- Bobby Tennison: Look at you, showing your ass to everybody. Here,
- [he shoves her a jacket]
- Bobby Tennison: you want every guy in school coming on to you? Is that how much you care about me?
- Stacy Collins: Bobby, no; I wore this for you.
- Bobby Tennison: For me? You look like a slut.
- Stacy Collins: But you said you loved my legs.
- Bobby Tennison: So you decide to embarrasses me like this?
- Stacy Collins: No, Bobby nobody thinks that I would even...
- Bobby Tennison: You just care about what I think. Cause here is some news for you: nobody else cares about you. Nobody else wants you.
- [he takes off]
- Stacy Collins: [calling after him] But I don't want anybody else.
- Vince Fortner: [sees Bobby return after getting rid of Stacy] Bobby, what happened, man?
- Bobby Tennison: [hides the knife] I did it.
- Vince Fortner: What are you talking about?
- Bobby Tennison: [coldly] If I can't have her... no one's gonna.
- Nicki: Get away from her!
- [pushes Bobby away from Stacy]
- Tony Dinardo: Bobby, what's going on?
- Stacy Collins: Look. It was an accident, okay? I was so stupid.
- Nicki: Stacy, he hit you!
- Stacy Collins: He didn't hurt me.
- Nicki: Your nose is bleeding. Let's go inside.
- Bobby Tennison: [to Nicki] This is between us, okay?
- Nicki: [to Stacy] You are not going with him. You hear me? He treats you like crap!
- Stacy Collins: Well, you don't know what he's been through! Besides, you don't give up on someone you love.
- Nicki: You call that love? Then I don't even think he likes you!
- Stacy Collins: Well, then you don't know what love is!
- Stacy Collins: Bobby? Bobby? Bobby, Please don't be mad, I didn't mean to hurt...
- Bobby Tennison: You want everyone to hear you? To see you cry, you wanna embarrasses me again?
- Stacy Collins: No, I didn't want to do anything. Bobby I wore this for you. Because I love you. Don't you even remember-
- [she tries to grab his arm but he throws her against the wall]
- Bobby Tennison: Would you stop? What are you trying-
- [she slumps to the ground, now in his normal state]
- Bobby Tennison: Great. You happy now?
- Stacy Collins: Oh my God. What are you doing in here? How'd you get here?
- Bobby Tennison: I had to see you. Stacy, I swear...
- Stacy Collins: No, I want you out, now.
- Bobby Tennison: I- I don't blame you for hating me. Or for wanting to break up. I just- Let me explain.
- Stacy Collins: What do you mean, explain what?
- Bobby Tennison: About my family. I ju- I didn't want you to know. See, my dad's a drunk. Alright? And he'd come home yelling, almost every night. Find something wrong, Some dirty dish. Or some stupid thing my mother would say then he'd beat her. And then I'd lie there in bed listening to her cry. There was nothing I could do. But she'd never leave the bastard. Then she started drinking. And then everything got so out of control.
- Stacy Collins: Why didn't you tell me?
- Bobby Tennison: Because that's not us. Don't you see? We're different. All we have is so much better then that. When I think about losing you,
- [he sits down on the bed]
- Bobby Tennison: If only my family weren't so screwed up.
- Stacy Collins: Yeah, mine too. It's like my mom is jealous of what we have. She doesn't understand anything.
- Bobby Tennison: No one can. That's why we gotta stick together. Cause when you love somebody, you never give up on them.
- Stacy Collins: Don't worry about me; I'm not giving up.
- [Bobby and Stacy kiss]
- Bobby Tennison: Hey.
- Stacy Collins: Am I too early? Or should I just...
- Bobby Tennison: No, no, you're fine. Uh, I always lift after practice. You can spot me.
- Stacy Collins: Spot you?
- Bobby Tennison: Yeah! Yeah, c'mon. I'll show ya.
- [in the next scene]
- Bobby Tennison: You keep you're hands on the bar for balance. In case I lose my grip.
- Stacy Collins: But isn't it heavy?
- Bobby Tennison: Not yet.
- Stacy Collins: Um, you know about what happened at the gym, on Friday,
- Stacy Collins: It...
- Bobby Tennison: It was pretty cool.
- Stacy Collins: It was?
- Bobby Tennison: Yeah, most girls, that look at ya but don't say what their thinking.
- Stacy Collins: They don't?
- Bobby Tennison: No, so when somebody's honest about the way the feel, it's good.