58 Bewertungen
While we certainly see an abundance of these films on LMN, the message is important, and not to be discarded.
Candace Cameron is quite good as a 16 year old involved in an abusive relationship. Fred Savage is the school hunk who also comes from a troubled family. Michelle Phillips as Cameron's mother is pretty good, as she has a tendency to be involved with an abusive partner as well. At one point- when Bobby is abusing her daughter, she tries to reason with her to get out of the relationship. Cameron replies- he loves me at least I have that- you never did.
We see the mind games and denial that exist in these complex abusive relationships. Sometimes the abuse is subtle, psychological, but always degrading.
This is a good film for young women. Self-esteem is often non- existent and takes time to develop. The problem is that denying the abuse, or pretending it doesn't exist only makes it worse. The victim often loses her friends and is isolated. The twist at the end of the movie is a bit unexpected, and should be taken to heart. This was a true, tragic story. If you liked this film you may also enjoy "When No One Would Listen" with Michelle Lee and James Farentino. 7/10.
Candace Cameron is quite good as a 16 year old involved in an abusive relationship. Fred Savage is the school hunk who also comes from a troubled family. Michelle Phillips as Cameron's mother is pretty good, as she has a tendency to be involved with an abusive partner as well. At one point- when Bobby is abusing her daughter, she tries to reason with her to get out of the relationship. Cameron replies- he loves me at least I have that- you never did.
We see the mind games and denial that exist in these complex abusive relationships. Sometimes the abuse is subtle, psychological, but always degrading.
This is a good film for young women. Self-esteem is often non- existent and takes time to develop. The problem is that denying the abuse, or pretending it doesn't exist only makes it worse. The victim often loses her friends and is isolated. The twist at the end of the movie is a bit unexpected, and should be taken to heart. This was a true, tragic story. If you liked this film you may also enjoy "When No One Would Listen" with Michelle Lee and James Farentino. 7/10.
- MarieGabrielle
- 2. Juni 2007
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- ama_rla_2004
- 4. Nov. 2006
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I was forced to watch this in Health class like many other movies. But this was actually really well done. It showed how someone can actually get sucked into an abusive relationship. For something of this nature being showed to a class of immature 15-year-old's there were actually very few things to laugh at. They showed it with very little cheese. and I think the judge at the end was actually kind of like a message to everyone out there. This movie almost made me cry. And I never cry.
- lisafordeay
- 26. Juni 2014
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- Noirdame79
- 16. Dez. 2006
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- A_Gonzalez22
- 22. Juni 2012
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- jamesreviewsthings
- 3. Okt. 2018
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I watched this movie as a part of my CALM curriculum. I found it to be very interesting in how she responded to what he did. I have always wondered why people don't get out of abusive relationships, now I know. It is interesting that she never even figured out how much he didn't care about.
- forgottenlord
- 8. Apr. 2002
- Permalink
For a tv movie this one is excellent. About an abusive relationship. After watching this I developed a strong sense of power in me. I don't think Stacey had that. Although It ended tragiclly I'm glad she realised what Bobby was doing is wrong. All girls should watch this. Hopefully it will be repeated.
Of course for a guy it would seem ridiculous! but in the eyes of a woman i see a struggle between love, fear, and devotion. I may not be so suttle but it gets the message across that no matter how much you love someone abuse is not acceptable!!! no a days this is something that is happening more and more and i think if a lot of woman would watch this movie they would see why this is just no going to work!overall this is an excellent movie and it deserves more recognition than it gets. I highly recommend this movie to both men and women. It's got great actors and exceptional plots. This movie would make any movie night fun!
- tygerizs1221
- 10. Sept. 2005
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***SPOILERS***The moment that pretty but shy Stacy Connins, Candance Cameron Bure, laid her eyes on high school wrestling champion Bobby "Cute Butt" Tennison, Fred Savage, during a wrestling match, which he won, it was love at first sight: For both Bobby as well as his butt. At first everything was just lovey dovey between the two until Stacy took her eyes of him and his butt for only a moment to talk to a friend of hers. It's then that Bobby lost control and turned his pent up aggressions, in feeling he wasn't the great lover that he thought he was, on her with a white hot fury.
Stacy despite being abused by Bobby where in some cases she had to be hospitalized still stuck with him feeling that he, as well as his cute butt, was too good to give up even if it meant that she'll end up dead sticking with him. Finally coming to her senses,after being beaten black and blue all over, Stacy decided to call it quits and leave Bobby forever to his own world of mindless violence. Her biggest mistake was telling him that with no one around to protect her from him when he got the word from her and that was a fatal error on Stacy's part.
****SPOILERS**** Based on the true story of the murder of 14 year old Amy Carnevale by her love crazed and mentally deranged 16 year old boyfriend Jamie Fuller in 1991 the movie shows that love is strange like the song says and it gets even stranger when it involves a nut case who can't take no for an answer. In this case Bobby Tennison who because of his insecurity, in coming from a dysfunctional family, that lead to murdering his girlfriend Stacy Collins. Who was in love with the creep despite all the abuse that he subjected her too and couldn't let go of him until it was too late.
Stacy despite being abused by Bobby where in some cases she had to be hospitalized still stuck with him feeling that he, as well as his cute butt, was too good to give up even if it meant that she'll end up dead sticking with him. Finally coming to her senses,after being beaten black and blue all over, Stacy decided to call it quits and leave Bobby forever to his own world of mindless violence. Her biggest mistake was telling him that with no one around to protect her from him when he got the word from her and that was a fatal error on Stacy's part.
****SPOILERS**** Based on the true story of the murder of 14 year old Amy Carnevale by her love crazed and mentally deranged 16 year old boyfriend Jamie Fuller in 1991 the movie shows that love is strange like the song says and it gets even stranger when it involves a nut case who can't take no for an answer. In this case Bobby Tennison who because of his insecurity, in coming from a dysfunctional family, that lead to murdering his girlfriend Stacy Collins. Who was in love with the creep despite all the abuse that he subjected her too and couldn't let go of him until it was too late.
- kapelusznik18
- 21. Okt. 2015
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We watched this movie in health class as we were to be looking for examples of dating violence. The film (can I even call it that?) has plenty of them. In fact, it's remarkably cliché. Every example we were supposed to be looking for was repeated practically word-for-word in the movie. Not to mention the ending is shown at the beginning, so it's not really much of a surprise two hours later when the ending comes back. All in all, pretty weak, formulaic, and just downright hokey. Still, it's sending a positive message, although that message is kind of force-fed to the viewer at the end of the movie. -
'No One Would Tell' is an excellent movie. The acting is great, the writing and main characters are nice, but the thing I liked the most is that it was based on a true and very serious topic.
Candace Cameron Bure is perfect as the sweet and battered Stacy Collins. She truly did capture the look of a typical teenager in love. Of course, she put up with a little more than what most girls do, but she was still the teenager in love. Real quick comment about the casting for the role of Stacy. Bure, who was twenty at the time, was still able to pull of the sixteen year old look. Not too many people care but this is one of the most annoying things in the movies today; having people trying to play high school students who are clearly in their late twenties +. Fred Savage was terrific as the evil and very controlling boyfriend, Bobby. He was very believable as an abusive guy who will go to any lengths to keep his girlfriend. Both lead roles were nicely sketched out as well as the actors who brought them to life. Everyone else such as Stacy's girlfriend, and the couple's friends are also good.
The writing is decent. Being that this is supposed to be a serious movie, I know that it isn't supposed to have comedy. But it wouldn't hurt to throw in a few funny lines here and there.
One minor problem I had with this movie was that although it was entertaining the whole way through with hardly any boring parts, there were too many twists with Bobby and Stacy's relationship. The whole 'I love you, I love you not' thing was played out a little much. Also, it was sort of a let down to find out that Stacy gets murdered only two or three minutes into the film. This could have been changed but the rest of the movie leading up to that point was good that it could stay the same as well. Either way would be good for me.
This is a terrific movie to show to someone who is an abusive relationship or just anyone in general. It deals with a serious topic and hopefully another film like this will come along again. Excellent TV movie with a great cast!
Candace Cameron Bure is perfect as the sweet and battered Stacy Collins. She truly did capture the look of a typical teenager in love. Of course, she put up with a little more than what most girls do, but she was still the teenager in love. Real quick comment about the casting for the role of Stacy. Bure, who was twenty at the time, was still able to pull of the sixteen year old look. Not too many people care but this is one of the most annoying things in the movies today; having people trying to play high school students who are clearly in their late twenties +. Fred Savage was terrific as the evil and very controlling boyfriend, Bobby. He was very believable as an abusive guy who will go to any lengths to keep his girlfriend. Both lead roles were nicely sketched out as well as the actors who brought them to life. Everyone else such as Stacy's girlfriend, and the couple's friends are also good.
The writing is decent. Being that this is supposed to be a serious movie, I know that it isn't supposed to have comedy. But it wouldn't hurt to throw in a few funny lines here and there.
One minor problem I had with this movie was that although it was entertaining the whole way through with hardly any boring parts, there were too many twists with Bobby and Stacy's relationship. The whole 'I love you, I love you not' thing was played out a little much. Also, it was sort of a let down to find out that Stacy gets murdered only two or three minutes into the film. This could have been changed but the rest of the movie leading up to that point was good that it could stay the same as well. Either way would be good for me.
This is a terrific movie to show to someone who is an abusive relationship or just anyone in general. It deals with a serious topic and hopefully another film like this will come along again. Excellent TV movie with a great cast!
This movie is centered on an important issue, men's physical abuse of women and why women permit it. Unfortunately there wasn't much useful insight to be had here.
It was interesting to see Fred Savage play against his type as the abusive boyfriend and one can understand how the film makers would cast someone who seems so gentle and harmless as the abuser.
I really wanted to like this movie and it does center around an important issue but unfortunately it doesn't deal with the issue.
It was interesting to see Fred Savage play against his type as the abusive boyfriend and one can understand how the film makers would cast someone who seems so gentle and harmless as the abuser.
I really wanted to like this movie and it does center around an important issue but unfortunately it doesn't deal with the issue.
- Havan_IronOak
- 23. Aug. 2002
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- catfanatic888
- 28. Juni 2023
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I barely remember this film with Freid and Camran, the film is much like Christine like when Arnie (Keth Gradon) Buys the 58 Fury then later Lebay controls his mind and his friend Dennis (John Stockwell) trys to tell him the car is evil. So in my guess it's kind of like a car drove him Crazy.
Hilarious comedy starring two likable child stars (Fred Savage and Candace Cameron) who obviously cemented their transition to the huge stars they are today with their performances in this all time classic film, not.
No doubt this 'masterpiece' has been inflicted on health classes everywhere, just seeing one frame of this movie screams 'lifetime televesion for women TV movie of the week.' So, if you like abuse of any kind, this is the film for you. Its got a good beat and its easy to dance to.
I can't believe Kevin Arnold grew to be so mean in his later years of high school, what a jerk
No doubt this 'masterpiece' has been inflicted on health classes everywhere, just seeing one frame of this movie screams 'lifetime televesion for women TV movie of the week.' So, if you like abuse of any kind, this is the film for you. Its got a good beat and its easy to dance to.
I can't believe Kevin Arnold grew to be so mean in his later years of high school, what a jerk
- Horrorible_Horror_Films
- 15. Aug. 2006
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- orcinusorca84
- 15. Mai 2005
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Predictable campy movie for the Lifetime Channel crowd. They will love it. Everybody else ...
- crankyasianman
- 1. Aug. 2021
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A typical tv movie of the week schlock fare with former tv stars in the starring roles. Cameron plays a young girl who is smitten by her new boyfriend, who starts abusing her. Then one day, she disappears. Gee, i wonder what happened???? Dumb writing, bad acting, and stupid plot 2 o 10
- lhunter-69136
- 9. Okt. 2018
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- BandSAboutMovies
- 30. März 2021
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Those who declare this movie the "best ever" and such must have been viewing something different from what I saw.
The overall subject matter is serious, without doubt. But one doesn't have to praise a poor representation of something just because the issue is serious. In fact, I'm not certain this issue could ever be addressed effectively by presenting: such a weak character as the "victim" here; a mother about as insipid as one could imagine; a comedic actor as the "hunky" villain - about as hunky as Woody Allen as "Rambo" or the "Terminator;" and Heaven-Help-Us, Sally Raphael, as vacuous as ever, as the film's moralist.
Again, the subject matter presents no reason to praise such a lame effort.
The overall subject matter is serious, without doubt. But one doesn't have to praise a poor representation of something just because the issue is serious. In fact, I'm not certain this issue could ever be addressed effectively by presenting: such a weak character as the "victim" here; a mother about as insipid as one could imagine; a comedic actor as the "hunky" villain - about as hunky as Woody Allen as "Rambo" or the "Terminator;" and Heaven-Help-Us, Sally Raphael, as vacuous as ever, as the film's moralist.
Again, the subject matter presents no reason to praise such a lame effort.