37 of 74 found this mild
A man playfully cuts a woman's clothing while they are swordfighting. Her dress eventually falls off, but her hair is covering her torso. Played for laughs.
Six or seven guards are stripped of their clothes and left tied to a cactus. They are seen completely nude from behind, with buttocks fully visible.
A man and a woman sword fight each other. They kiss(tongues used) and make some mild innuendos.
Women wear some cleavage-revealing dresses.
A man takes a bath. Nothing seen from waist down.
25 of 45 found this moderate
PG-13 violence type: blood and graphic.
It is implied that a man's head is chopped off.
Later in the movie we see a man with two glass jars containing a head and a hand.
The violence in this movie is very toned down, with little or no blood. Zorro fights people throughout the film, but he mostly bruises or humiliates rather than kills. One instance of graphic violence in the film comes when a man has his cheek sliced by a sword (blood is shown).
28 of 41 found this mild
Mild language like "d**n", "h*ll", and "bastard."
25 of 34 found this mild
There is some social drinking and smoking. A major character is a drunkard and is seen quite frequently intoxicated (his drunkeness is portrayed as negative). However, he later disciplines himself and sobers up.
18 of 36 found this moderate
A character comes into a town and destroys several peoples property and sets fire to it.