41 reviews
Actually it wasn't too bad
for a made for TV horror and post-Scream outing. "I've Been Waiting For You" (another eye grabbing title) is a feebly light-weight teenage aimed story mixing elements of witchcraft (leading girl interested in the occult / the town living in fear of a curse) / slasher staples (killer with metal claws, black cloak and a hokey looking mask) that when it came to the crunch it's rather diluted, but doesn't hurt. Fashionable, but formulaic we've seen it all before. The story (taken off the novel of Lois Duncan --- Gallows Hill --- who was also behind "Stranger in Our House" and "I know What You Did Last Summer") might consist of messy plot details (trying to be too clever at times, than letting it flow), an terribly incoherent staged climax (which is risible for all the wrong reasons
and so are the flimsy attacks sequences) and bestowing a heavy-handed script, but in all it keeps you wrapped within the shallow mystery thanks to largely the agreeable performances (of mainly not particularly likable characters). Sarah Chalke is exceptionally good in the lead, giving her character spunk with her smart-lipped lines. The rest of the cast get your basic teenage sketching. Director Christopher Leitch (''Teen Wolf too'' (1987), oh yeah!) offers no real surprises by doing a pedestrian job, creating a decent image or two, but suspense and atmosphere is weakly conceived. Even though it begins to lose its puff towards the end, gladly the time still breezes by if transparently.
- lost-in-limbo
- Oct 27, 2009
- Permalink
I did start my Halloween challenge on Saturday 22nd. Which will be 40 days of horror movies/.
Yesteday Day 3
I've been waiting for you (1998)
Well, It Sounded a bit like scream but with bit witches added to it. The masked wasn't to bad but I found it more funny then scary.
The movie it self wasn't all that gory or scary however it still intruded me from start to end,
With these you can't' tell who the killer is from their first scenes but I did enjoy those funny witches scenes. which I found a bit funny, I don't think that was intended.
The acting wasn't all that bad. not great but decent for a TV movie. I didn't really liked how it was all revealed out.
The last scene kinds of leaves you hanging. I did here there was meant another to sequel to this movie. which would have explained the last scene.
5 out of 10
Yesteday Day 3
I've been waiting for you (1998)
Well, It Sounded a bit like scream but with bit witches added to it. The masked wasn't to bad but I found it more funny then scary.
The movie it self wasn't all that gory or scary however it still intruded me from start to end,
With these you can't' tell who the killer is from their first scenes but I did enjoy those funny witches scenes. which I found a bit funny, I don't think that was intended.
The acting wasn't all that bad. not great but decent for a TV movie. I didn't really liked how it was all revealed out.
The last scene kinds of leaves you hanging. I did here there was meant another to sequel to this movie. which would have explained the last scene.
5 out of 10
I suppose I shouldn't worry to much about such things in modern movies, particularly the made-for-TV variety, but the anachronisms were just a bit much for me. For instance:
The film's action takes place in Massachusetts; central to the plot is the story of a burned-at-the-stake witch whom apparently used to live in a certain house. Said burning occurred during the Salem witch hunts of 1692, but the house is an unmistakable Victorian. It doesn't take an expert to realize that the style is eponymous with the English Queen, which meant that it couldn't have existed in that form until the mid-1800's, at least 125 years after the murder.
The accused witch, according to the (twenty-something) "high-school kids", supposedly was kept in a "straight-jacket in a padded cell in an asylum". I don't believe any of these things existed in Seventeenth Century Massachusetts; and even England's notorious Bedlam was more of a convenient dump-site for loonies, rather than a real mental institution.
And for a three-hundred-year-old tombstone, particularly one exposed to the corrosive effects of urban New England's infamous acid rain over a good part of that time, the carving sure looked sharp and fresh.
Otherwise, I rather enjoyed "I've Been Waiting for You", simply because, like most "slasher flicks", it gives me--someone whom worked at a state university for over a quarter-century-- the opportunity to watch college-age kids get tormented--even unto death.
The film's action takes place in Massachusetts; central to the plot is the story of a burned-at-the-stake witch whom apparently used to live in a certain house. Said burning occurred during the Salem witch hunts of 1692, but the house is an unmistakable Victorian. It doesn't take an expert to realize that the style is eponymous with the English Queen, which meant that it couldn't have existed in that form until the mid-1800's, at least 125 years after the murder.
The accused witch, according to the (twenty-something) "high-school kids", supposedly was kept in a "straight-jacket in a padded cell in an asylum". I don't believe any of these things existed in Seventeenth Century Massachusetts; and even England's notorious Bedlam was more of a convenient dump-site for loonies, rather than a real mental institution.
And for a three-hundred-year-old tombstone, particularly one exposed to the corrosive effects of urban New England's infamous acid rain over a good part of that time, the carving sure looked sharp and fresh.
Otherwise, I rather enjoyed "I've Been Waiting for You", simply because, like most "slasher flicks", it gives me--someone whom worked at a state university for over a quarter-century-- the opportunity to watch college-age kids get tormented--even unto death.
- capncrusty
- Jul 13, 2005
- Permalink
I was only going to watch it cause on the commercials it said it was made by the creator of I Know What You Did Last Summer. Of course they mean the author Lois Duncan, not the writer Kevin Williamson. It was cool! Too bad it was on TV. Cause if it were, the body count would be higher, there would be more violence and there would be some cursing. But still cool and scary, although only one part made me jump. Hope it gets released on video pretty soon.
Single mom Rosemary Zoltanne (Markie Post) and her smart-ass teen daughter Sarah (Sarah Chalke) move from L.A. to a big house in Massachusetts where a witch was burned at the stake 300 years earlier. Sarah makes friends with a geeky outsider (Ben Foster) but also attracts the attention of teen members of the "Descendant's Club"-- obnoxious jocks (led by Christian Campbell, brother of Neve) and the high school bitch queens (led by Soleil Moon Frye) who think she's the reincarnation of the dead witch. Sarah gets harassing phone calls ("I've been waiting for you!") and a masked killer with a steel claw lurks around.
This is resolutely typical post SCREAM/I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER fare (supposedly from the "author" of the latter) with offscreen violence, but the performances are surprisingly good and it's watchable, though it all seems like a big build-up to nothing by the end.
I didn't know it at the time when I rented the video, but frequent fade-outs to black and someone credited with the teleplay soon made me realize I'd rented a TV movie that was inexplicably (and erroneously!) rated R to bulk up it's distribution value. Don't be expecting to find gore, nudity or four-letter words in this film.
This is resolutely typical post SCREAM/I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER fare (supposedly from the "author" of the latter) with offscreen violence, but the performances are surprisingly good and it's watchable, though it all seems like a big build-up to nothing by the end.
I didn't know it at the time when I rented the video, but frequent fade-outs to black and someone credited with the teleplay soon made me realize I'd rented a TV movie that was inexplicably (and erroneously!) rated R to bulk up it's distribution value. Don't be expecting to find gore, nudity or four-letter words in this film.
Sarah Chalke,(Sarah Zoltanne) has to leave Sunny California for a small town in New England and start her college year among a group of trouble makers, who for some mysterious reason give poor Sarah a very hard time. Sarah and her mother are staying in a very old house that has many tales from the past which most of the town people know about; and there is a certain curse that a girl named Sarah will return to their town someday and revenge the horror this person experienced years and years ago. This is an entertaining film, but keeps going around and around in circles and it becomes very apparent who the real trouble maker or makers turn out to be. You have seen films with a story line like this many times before.
Imagine if Ghostface in Scream didn't even touch his victims, but all he literally did was chase them and talk a lil trash. Lol this is it, the PG version of Scream with no kills, no touching the victims, and no cussing...With that being said, it's your typical late 90s teen movie...the Villian is technically a good guy and causes no harm himself. Lol
- Overtheredskies
- Jan 12, 2020
- Permalink
This movie is reasonably good but I guess the director was trying too hard to scare the wits out of people. This film wouldn't scare you if you were watching it in the middle of a graveyard all alone at midnight. Anyways, the plot wasn't all that hard to swallow and it's a well made film overall. 7/10.
- Leofwine_draca
- Aug 3, 2016
- Permalink
- cindysky97
- Apr 2, 2005
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Its barely a one out of 10! The movie was a complete disaster! The acting was watchable I'll give it that, but the entire movie was just too out there. I mean, this guy running around with an X Men style weapon.....nobody finds that just a wee bit on the stupid side??? I don't mean to offend anyone who likes this movie, but I am only stating my opinion. I've never read the novel that this movie is supposed to be based on, but according to other comments by other watchers, it was nothing like the movie. In my opinion, thats one of the worst thing a director can do to a writer. It makes me upset when they take a writers work and completely change the story to draw an audience. This sort of thing happened in Maeve Binchy's classic "Circle of Friends". It was a great book, then when was made into a movie, the story changed. The ending was even changed. Anyway, I don't mean to rant. In a short; "I've Been Waiting For You" is a great example of a terrible movie.
- kolohehele91
- Dec 22, 2005
- Permalink
This is a clever fun interesting movie that is not very popular at all. If you liked Scream and I Know What you Did Last summer you would definitely enjoy this movie. Its not extremely gory or bloody, so people are sensitive to that will not have to worry. Its not very frightening but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable.The characters are likable and interesting with fun young actors and actresses. But mostly the story is very intriguing and once you see it you have to finish so you know whats beneath the mystery. So its not the next blockbuster or the scariest movie of all time but its definitely 100 percent worth the view!
- WillowWisp07
- Aug 4, 2005
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- spooky_trix
- Nov 12, 2001
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- LurkingFigure
- Jun 26, 2005
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I saw this movie when I was eleven, and I haven't seen it since. I was absolutely scared out of my wits, now as for the acting- -well it wasn't so bad! Sarah Chalke-who had a small stint as Becky no.2 on the Roseanne show-is very pretty, and a pretty talented actress, I know that the other guy who gave a review for this totally bashed it, but I saw it on T.V one time, and it was good enough for me to go searching about it on IMDB. The Story is basically about a teen age girl named Sarah who is very pretty, but a little strange. She lives with her single parent mother, and moves to a new town where she knows no one and has no friends- -excepting some strange curly headed blond kid-played by Ben Foster from the kid's show Flash Forward ever see it on Disney?-Who has a big crush on her. She likes the hunk in town-Who I think has great eyes if nothing else-played by Christopher Campbell-who just happens to be Neve Campbell's kid brother-Now of course the hunk in town has a super snotty girlfriend who makes fun of the somewhat strange Sarah because she's prettier than she is and her boyfriend is crushing on Sarah. Anyway! There is a serious witch burning legend about a girl that lived in Sarah's house and was accused of being a witch- -thus she was burned! Then as a joke Sarah is wrangled into being the 'Psychic' and some stupid teenage party or carnival, she doesn't have to be wrangled too much seeing as how she's in love with the hunk in town. So Turns out that kid's are being killed, lot's of them, and they die of natural causes--A Heart Attack! They are being scared to death by someone dressed up in a witch's outfit! Is it the dead witch's ghost come back for revenge? Is it Sarah? Is Sarah inhabited by the dead witch's spirit?! WHO WILL DIE NEXT!? Watch this movie! It was made for T.V- -but it is a down right scare-you-to-death, make-your-hair-turn-white! MOVIE! Final words: For a T.V Made flick FIVE STARS!
- FemmeBikerFaery
- Dec 26, 2002
- Permalink
**SPOILERS** Uneven movie about witchcraft in a small town in Mass. that transcends three centuries. Moving into the small town of Pinecrest Sarah Zoltanne, Sarah Citalik,and her mom Mrs. Resemary Zoltanne, Markie Post, realize that the house that they bought was once the home of a women Sarah Lancaster who was burned at the stake as a witch back in 1660.
Sarah is a very weird type of person dabbling in the occult and being able to make thing happen that have no scientific explanation like being able to know a person by reading his or her palm as well as having doors open and shut by themselves. At her new high-school it turns out that a number of students there are decedents of the people who immolated Sarah Lancaster back in the 17th Century. The students now feel that Sarah, Zoltanne, is the Sarah that was killed by their distant ancestors. Their also certain that she's now come back to exact vengeance on them for what they,or their the ancestors, did to her back then.
The movie "I've been waiting for you" borrows a lot from the 1996 Wes Craven horror flick "Scream". With the killer running around hooded with what looks like a witch mask, unlike the skeleton mask in "Scream", and has a Freddy Kruger like claw hand as his, or her, weapon of choice.
The killer targeting the offspring's of Sarah Lancasters accusers and executioners has Sarah, the present one, check up on the ancestry of those in the town of Piecrest and comes up with a clue to who the killer really is. kidnapped by the frightened high school descendants of Sarahs 17th century killers Sarah is taken outside town to be executed, by fire in order to stop the attacks on them. Only to have the real killer show up and thus exonerate her.
The movie has so many loose ends that it at some point seems to be unintelligible to follow. The mysterious black cat Hecuba at first seems to have some connection to what's going on in the film but disappears, after about fifteen minutes into the movie, into thin air as if he were a phantom never to be seen again. The scene with Sarah's mom Rosemary towards the end of the film is also very confusing. With the masked killer stalking her in her house and then attacking her. Which was a bit out of character for the killer since Mrs. Zoltanne wasn't a descendant of young Sarah Lancaster's 17th century executioners, like those who the killer targeted throughout the movie.
The ending sequence in "I've been waiting for you" is totally out of place, and makes no sense at all, to what we saw in the film up to then. Were given the impression that Sarah and one of the students were in some way working together in taking out the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grand children of those who killed Sarah Lancaster back in pre-Revolutionary America. And as the movie ends were chillingly told by them that their grizzly work has only begun.
Sarah is a very weird type of person dabbling in the occult and being able to make thing happen that have no scientific explanation like being able to know a person by reading his or her palm as well as having doors open and shut by themselves. At her new high-school it turns out that a number of students there are decedents of the people who immolated Sarah Lancaster back in the 17th Century. The students now feel that Sarah, Zoltanne, is the Sarah that was killed by their distant ancestors. Their also certain that she's now come back to exact vengeance on them for what they,or their the ancestors, did to her back then.
The movie "I've been waiting for you" borrows a lot from the 1996 Wes Craven horror flick "Scream". With the killer running around hooded with what looks like a witch mask, unlike the skeleton mask in "Scream", and has a Freddy Kruger like claw hand as his, or her, weapon of choice.
The killer targeting the offspring's of Sarah Lancasters accusers and executioners has Sarah, the present one, check up on the ancestry of those in the town of Piecrest and comes up with a clue to who the killer really is. kidnapped by the frightened high school descendants of Sarahs 17th century killers Sarah is taken outside town to be executed, by fire in order to stop the attacks on them. Only to have the real killer show up and thus exonerate her.
The movie has so many loose ends that it at some point seems to be unintelligible to follow. The mysterious black cat Hecuba at first seems to have some connection to what's going on in the film but disappears, after about fifteen minutes into the movie, into thin air as if he were a phantom never to be seen again. The scene with Sarah's mom Rosemary towards the end of the film is also very confusing. With the masked killer stalking her in her house and then attacking her. Which was a bit out of character for the killer since Mrs. Zoltanne wasn't a descendant of young Sarah Lancaster's 17th century executioners, like those who the killer targeted throughout the movie.
The ending sequence in "I've been waiting for you" is totally out of place, and makes no sense at all, to what we saw in the film up to then. Were given the impression that Sarah and one of the students were in some way working together in taking out the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grand children of those who killed Sarah Lancaster back in pre-Revolutionary America. And as the movie ends were chillingly told by them that their grizzly work has only begun.
This could have been a great movie. The whole witch thing with the descendants and everything was cool. But the one thing that got me was the killer. What is up with that? The whole hand thing was just way too stupid. And its mask? That was just horrible. My friend and I were literately cracking up so much when that girl was running through the forest with the killer chasing her. It looked so cheesy!!!! Oh well, I give it a 7 out of 10.
- bballsar12
- May 13, 2001
- Permalink
I caught this movie on TV a few years ago and wasn't expecting much ( I never do of teen horror movies) but this was OK.
It's about some girl who moves to a new town and hears about a legend of a witch burned and that there's still a group of descendants of the witch who formed a club and believe the girl to be a reincarnation of the witch their ancestors burned earlier.
OK I'll be honest here, I had to refresh my memory on this page on the story because I did not remember much of it but I do remember mildly enjoying this movie.There is no gore or pointless bloodshed in it, but it does have it's exciting moments (I wasn't as much of a horror movie buff as I am today).Recommended for a good night of somewhat cheesy fun.
It's about some girl who moves to a new town and hears about a legend of a witch burned and that there's still a group of descendants of the witch who formed a club and believe the girl to be a reincarnation of the witch their ancestors burned earlier.
OK I'll be honest here, I had to refresh my memory on this page on the story because I did not remember much of it but I do remember mildly enjoying this movie.There is no gore or pointless bloodshed in it, but it does have it's exciting moments (I wasn't as much of a horror movie buff as I am today).Recommended for a good night of somewhat cheesy fun.
- stalkingwolf83
- Sep 1, 2010
- Permalink
Another dubious Channel 5 movie. It seems to me that to attempt to make it in Hollywood as a young star, you have to be murdered in a rather gruesome manner by somebody dressed in a cape, preferably surrounded by mist.
Unfortunately, this film doesn't deliver the goods as a horror film, failing to build up the atmosphere sufficiently for the murder scenes to be scary, and with one of the most confusing and pointless plot lines I've seen in ages. There are a couple of classy scenes (watch out for the smoking gargoyle), but this is more a showcase for Hollywood's young talent than an edge-of-your-seat horror. So if you like good-looking hardbodies, and more dry ice than you can poke a stick at, then you'll love this.
Unfortunately, this film doesn't deliver the goods as a horror film, failing to build up the atmosphere sufficiently for the murder scenes to be scary, and with one of the most confusing and pointless plot lines I've seen in ages. There are a couple of classy scenes (watch out for the smoking gargoyle), but this is more a showcase for Hollywood's young talent than an edge-of-your-seat horror. So if you like good-looking hardbodies, and more dry ice than you can poke a stick at, then you'll love this.
OK, I admit it, I only saw this movie because Saoleil Moon Frye was in it, but she and the movie were excellent! Of course, I think Soleil should have had a bigger part, because Kyra had a bigger part in the book "Gallows Hill," which it was based on. Overall, this movie is good and I hope it is shown on TV sometime soon.
I rented this movie with the hope that it would be half-way decent despite it having been a made-for-tv movie. It was a lot better than I was expecting. I especially liked the party scene. It was a nice change from horror movies where the majority of the cast is killed in gruesome ways. Not a bad rent at all. 8/10
I rented this movie while looking for a scary movie to watch with my sister. Turns out she was asleep when I got home, so I had to watch it alone. But I really enjoyed watching this movie, if only because I was feeling blue at the time and Sarah Chalke is one of the prettiest actresses out there. I wish she'd say "I've been waiting for you" to me...
Anyway, the movie is not all *that* scary, and it seems the director is trying to make you jump off your seat every five minutes or so, but I've seen much worse. At least it's not a gore-fest movie, but a good old fashioned scary flick.
Rent it with your friends, or by yourself... you'll enjoy it!
Anyway, the movie is not all *that* scary, and it seems the director is trying to make you jump off your seat every five minutes or so, but I've seen much worse. At least it's not a gore-fest movie, but a good old fashioned scary flick.
Rent it with your friends, or by yourself... you'll enjoy it!