Sissy Spacek credited as playing...
Ruth Fowler
- Matt: You wanna know why our son is dead? You really wanna know? He was with her not because of me. He went there because of you. Yes he did, because you are so... controlling, so... overbearing... so angry... that he was it! That he was our only one!
- Ruth: That is not true!
- Matt: Oh, yes it is. Yes it is. Even when he was a kid, you were telling him how, how he was always wrong. Oh! I remember. Uh... one time you yanked him out of a Little League game. And sent him home. For throwing his, his glove in the dirt. He was what? Nine years old.
- [long pause]
- Matt: Everything he did... was wrong. Well, what was wrong with him, Ruth?
- [long pause]
- Matt: You're... you're so... unforgiving. You are. That's what he said. And you're pulling the same shit with me. And that's a horrible way to be, it's horrible. You're bitter, Ruth. And you can point your finger at me all you like, but you better take a damn good look at yourself.
- Ruth: [sees Franks has been punched in the eye] So what are you going to do about it?
- Frank Fowler: I don't know... take karate.