42 of 60 found this to have none
Since it is Hawaii, some of the costumes and dance moves may be suggestive. Frequent scenes with women showing cleavage, shirtless men and girls with bikinis.
Little girls wear grass skirts and bikini tops.
Throughout the entire movie, Nani wears a half shirt showing her bellybutton and very tight low cut jeans.
Lilo panties where shown briefly.
Mertle and her friends panties were shown briefly.
Contains infrequent but very mild sex references, such as a Lilo telling David that her sister Nani likes his butt, as she has written in her diary.
Nani meets Lola the Lifeguard for a job, her appearance consists of being an attractive and curvaceous blonde who wears a red, skimpy bathing suit for lifesaving attire.
In the final "Burning Love" song scene, Stitch steals one of Nani's bras from the laundry and ties it to his head.
Stitch forcefully kisses an old lady at a hotel. She screams loudly.
35 of 50 found this mild
Lilo asks Cobra Bubbles if he's ever killed anyone, to which he simply says 'We're getting off the subject', thus leaving open the possibility that he has.
Contains mild fantasy violence
The aerial battle sequence at the very end of the movie might be intense for some younger kids. The original air plane sequence was cut due to 9/11.
Realizing laser guns are trained on his genetic material, Stitch spits at a guy to make the lasers shoot at him (and they blow a hole in the wall). The guns then fire at Stitch, as do several guards, but he manages to escape.
Upon landing on Earth, Stitch is promptly run over by a semi-tractor trailer truck, but since he was genetically designed to be super tough, he is no more than knocked unconscious and he loses his guns.
Lilo pounces on Mertle, and strikes her in the face with her fist. The struggle between the two goes on for a few seconds before they are pulled apart. It is later revealed by Mertle that Lilo bit her (though no bite marks or any glimpses of her being bitten are shown).
A rather slapstick scene where Jumba and Pleakley try to ambush Stitch and end up destroying Lilo & Nani's house. If one watches the deleted original version, they will find that is more violent and was deleted due to how dangerous the antics were.
35 of 52 found this to have none
Stupidhead is often used.
Stitch nearly says hell, but he is cut off at the last second.
Usually words you don't want young children saying.
- Some aliens react with disgust when Stitch says something (presumably obscene) in an alien language, but it is unknown, probably he is just babbling.
Stitch says a gibberish phrase, to which Jumba in shock replies, "leave my mother out of this!"
Lilo calls her sister "stinky".
Girls bully Lilo, calling her "crazy" and "freak". They also mock Stitch, calling him "ugly".
35 of 42 found this to have none
Some miscellaneous people appear to have tropl drinks, but there's no indication of whether they're alcoholic or not.
22 of 46 found this mild
The appearance of Gantu can be pretty frightening because of his face and is really really tall and is a good guy but frightening from his appearance.
It may be a bit frightening/shocking, when Nani almost gets hit by a car. And it also may be a bit intense, when Mertle bullies and teases Lilo
A character is seen punching another character. This may be scary for kids under the age of 7.
Contains mildly intense action sequences
Stitch's initial appearance is a small monster with sharp teeth and wild eyes. He almost violently escapes from a high security prison transport spaceship.
Stitch is a very dangerously mischievous creature, who attempts to destroy everything he sees.
Stitch appears to be drowning in the ocean in one scene. David saves him, and he comes out okay.
Nani is heartbroken at the thought of losing custody of Lilo.