The Emperor's Club (2002)
Emile Hirsch: Sedgewick Bell
William Hundert : [discussing 41 specific emperors] Can you, please, name any of the subsequent emperors whom we've been discussing? There were 41.
Sedgewick Bell : I only know seven.
William Hundert : Very well.
Sedgewick Bell : Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey...
William Hundert : Seriously, though, can you in fact name any of the emperors?
Sedgewick Bell : I know four.
William Hundert : Very well.
Sedgewick Bell : [in an English accent, counting off his fingers] John, Paul, Ringo
[counts all but the middle finger]
Sedgewick Bell : and George.
[about Sedgewick's quiz]
William Hundert : You passed.
Sedgewick Bell : It's only a C-minus.
William Hundert : Well, you know what they say about Rome.
Sedgewick Bell : It wasn't built in a day?
William Hundert : No. All roads lead to it.
William Hundert : I spoke to your father.
Sedgewick Bell : I know. We had a real... heart-to-heart.
William Hundert : This is for you.
[Hands textbook to Sedgwick]
William Hundert : Forgive the condition. It was my textbook in high school. It's quite good. The first chapter has an outline of all the material which we'll be covering this term. I thought it might be helpful in preparing for the Mr. Julius Caesar contest. The first quiz is tomorrow morning. Look at chapter 3 - - "The Foundation of the Republic." Sedgwick, I'm lending you this book because I believe in you. I think you could be at the top of your class if you wanted to be. It's entirely up to you.
William Hundert : That was quite an interesting performance this afternoon.
Sedgewick Bell : I knew you saw.
[pulls out answers under his toga proving he cheated at the Mr. Julius Caesar competition]
William Hundert : Why, Sedgewick? You knew the material.
Sedgewick Bell : Why not?
Sedgewick Bell : How come you didn't stand up and call me out?
William Hundert : It's a complicated matter, Sedgwick.
Sedgewick Bell : It wasn't because of my father, was it?
William Hundert : It had nothing to do with your father.
Sedgewick Bell : Sure, Mr. Hundert. Sure.
Senator Bell : Let me ask you something, do you know what is causing me to send you to this place?
Sedgewick Bell : What's wrong?
Senator Bell : Shut up. My time is precious son. I thought I made that clear. I got better things to do than clean up after you, do you understand me?
Sedgewick Bell : Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I understand.
Senator Bell : Don't forget it.
[pause and then he hangs up the phone]
Sedgewick Bell : [about Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar"] They should kill Marc Antony too. I mean, Brutus is a pussy.
William Hundert : Do you know why you're here?
Sedgewick Bell : Student of the day.
William Hundert : [puts pencil down and shows Sedgwick his paperwork] I gave you a 1 for spelling your name correctly.
[Sedgwick looks at his work and then puts it back on the desk]
William Hundert : Mr. Bell, I don't know what you think you're doing at Saint Benedict's, but this is unacceptable work. You must apply yourself...
Sedgewick Bell : You're not married, are you, sir?
William Hundert : No. I am not.
Sedgewick Bell : That's why you like put us all in togas, right?
William Hundert : I've made arrangements to meet with your father. Is there anything you'd like for me to say to him?
Sedgewick Bell : [sitting there for a second thinking until finally] Tell him I said hello.
[Gets up from his chair and leaves Hundred's office]
Robert Brewster : Bell! Bell! Telephone for you!
Sedgewick Bell : What?
Robert Brewster : It's a girl. I bet it's that blonde from Saint Mary's.