Morris Chestnut credited as playing...
Tracy Reynolds
- [last lines]
- Tracey Reynolds: Hey, you want me to leave the light on for you?
- Calvin Cambridge: Nah, I'm cool.
- [the Knights are going over a play during a time out]
- Coach Wagner: Okay guys, defense first
- [Calvin tries to to look and see what's going on]
- Calvin Cambridge: What?
- Coach Wagner: They are killing us on the wings. Drop out of the zone and play an aggressive man to man.
- Calvin Cambridge: [trying to squeeze in] Come on guys. It's not funny.
- Coach Wagner: Same assignment as before. Now, offense. Is there any play that's gonna work for us tonight?
- [Calvin manages the squeeze through and pops up]
- Calvin Cambridge: I have an idea.
- Tracey Reynolds: Oh, man.
- Calvin Cambridge: I've been watching, and they're vulnerable from the weak side, especially to a pick set away from the hoop. Why don't we run the give-and-give-and-go?
- Marvin Joad: You mean the give-and-go?
- Calvin Cambridge: No, see, they'll be expecting that. Have Tracy feed the ball to Henderson. Henderson's gonna feed the ball to Joad. Joad's gonna pass it back to Tracy. As Henderson sets the pick, Tracy's gonna take the shot.
- Coach Wagner: I like it.
- Tracey Reynolds: Oh, no. No. I'm not gonna run some play by some snotty-nosed kid, man.
- Henderson: Damn straight, coach.
- Coach Wagner: Fine. Henderson, you're out. Tracy, you take Henderson's slot. Calvin, you take the shot.
- Calvin Cambridge: What?
- [Calvin realizes that he's not wearing his sneakers]
- Frank Bernard: Have you lost your mind?
- Coach Wagner: You said I could play anybody I want.
- Frank Bernard: Yeah, well, I didn't mean him.
- Coach Wagner: Am I the coach or not?
- Frank Bernard: You are. For now.