89 of 239 found this moderate
Sexual references and situations including threesome, rape, nudity.
A sleeping man has his buttocks visible.
A naked man lies on top of a clothed woman. He pulls her dress up above her hips exposing the side of her thigh and her belly. They kiss as he moves on top of her. Her dress moves higher as they have sex together.
Two main characters are shown embracing. The woman backs away and drops her dress, showing her breasts. In the unrated version, her nipples are visible. Sex is implied.
Achilles is sleeping nude with two naked women; his buttocks are partially visible and the side of a woman's breasts, pubic region, and buttocks are dimly visible.
Helen lies facedown on a bed with her bare buttocks visible.
95 of 115 found this severe
Strong battle violence with swords, knives, spears, and fire; many characters killed with some injury detail. It is worth noting that, despite the "graphic violence" in the rating description, the film is not as violent as The Passion of the Christ (another film with the same descriptor).
A man graphically threatens a woman with a knife.
There's a hole in a dead mans stomach. Crows are seen eating it.
A man stabs a warrior through the shoulder. Blood can be seen.
Later in the film, when the Greeks land on the beach, the Trojans use fire arrows to stop the Greek advance. One man briefly gets shot in the head, one in the thigh and others in chest areas. A man gets sliced through the head (bloody but brief). The other killings are bloodless.
A warrior throws a spear through a mans head.
A man is seen for about 3 seconds with a sword through his face, covered with blood.
A warrior pulls an arrow out of his leg, with a lot of blood.
In the large battle of the walls of Troy, two men fight, and one man has blood coming out of his mouth and his leg.
When one man kills a main character, the sword goes right through, and you can see some blood dripping down.
67 of 103 found this mild
Bitch and whore used.
66 of 94 found this mild
Alcohol use.
48 of 99 found this moderate
The scene in which Troy is taken by the Greeks is very intense, the city is burned and civilians are killed.