Annette Crosbie credited as playing...
- Cora: I'm surprised they printed it.
- Jessie: It's probably all over the internet by now.
- Annie: By the sound of it, most people have seen it already.
- Chris: Lots of people have photos taken with their tops off on holiday in Ibiza don't they?
- Ruth: It probably just came as a slight shock Chris, what with the previous fifteen photos being of flower arrangements.
- Check-In Stewardess: I'm sorry ladies, but I'm afraid you've come to the wrong desk.
- Jessie: I have asked four people. Each of them has said we could check in for a flight to Los Angeles at *any* desk. We have queued for twenty minutes in the *only* queue and were directed to *your* desk by *your* representative. Where *precisely* have we gone wrong?
- Cora: There's just one problem. The photographer's a man.
- Jessie: But the point is, we won't be showing anything.
- Cora: In the photos. I imagine a considerable amount will be on display in the room.
- Chris: He'll have to be in the room to take the photos!
- Cora: With us naked!
- Celia: Yeah. Or nude.
- Chris: No, listen. An art photographer doesn't see a naked woman. He sees a life model!
- Celia: Yes. No, the nudity isn't important.
- Jessie: Easy to say when you've got your knickers on.