Mel Brooks credited as playing...
- Bigweld: [bursting through the head office door] RATCHET!
- [Ratchet screams in a high pitch]
- Bigweld: I'll come right to the point!
- Ratchet: What happened? Run out of dominoes? I'll send you some more!
- Bigweld: You're fired!
- Ratchet: Fired? On what grounds? This company's never been more profitable!
- Bigweld: Profits, schmofits! Now, get out!
- Ratchet: No, wait! Please listen to me! You can't do this to me! This job is my LIFE! It means everything to me! You don't know what I've done to get here! The lies I've told! This lives I've ruined!
- [realizes]
- Ratchet: This isn't helping me.
- Bigweld: [into an intercom mic] Get me security!
- Ratchet: No, wait! Please! Can't I just make one more heartfelt plea?
- Bigweld: OK! What do you wanna say?
- Ratchet: [Pounds Bigweld on the head with the intercom mic, knocking him out] *THAT!* Oh, my gosh! I'm as crazy as my mother!
- [Bigweld groans, but Ratchet hits him again]
- Rodney Copperbottom: Mr. Bigweld, are you okay?
- Bigweld: I'm the prettiest girl at the Harvest Moon Ball.
- Rodney Copperbottom: I'll take that as a no.
- Bigweld: Kid, if you're going to fight, I'm going in with you.
- Rodney Copperbottom: You... you are?
- Bigweld: Hey, who's the dame with the sweet keister?
- Rodney Copperbottom: But why?
- Bigweld: I don't know. I'm a big guy, and I like women with a large...
- Rodney Copperbottom: No, no. Why are you going to help us?
- Bigweld: Oh. Because, I want to grow up to be like you.
- Rodney Copperbottom: But you're Bigweld. You can fix anything.
- Bigweld: I used to think so. To me the company was about making life better, but to Ratchet, it was making money that came first. I became old-fashioned, and outmode. Ratchet beat me, and he's gonna beat you.
- Rodney Copperbottom: But...
- Bigweld: The world you're looking for no longer exists. You missed it. Find some other foolish dream.
- Ratchet: [as the other bots are soon cornered by his new bot destroying machines] This is gonna get *greasy*!
- Bigweld: You thinking what I'm thinking?
- Rodney Copperbottom: I sure am.
- [Heads up with Bigweld to a spot in the chop shop with a big gear on a lever, then detaches the lever, making it swing towards the machines with them hanging onto it]
- Rodney Copperbottom: See a need, fill a need!
- Bigweld: [Freaked out] This isn't what I was thinking at all!
- [the gear and lever soon swing right into the machines, knocking them over]
- Bigweld: [talking through the microphone, which makes his voice echo a lot] Ladies... and... gentlebots! I came all this way...
- [looks to the microphone]
- Bigweld: Will you cut that out? It's very distracting!
- Microphone: Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- Bigweld: Where was I? Oh yes! I came all this way in person to tell you that your son Rodney Copperbottom, the man who got me off my big titanium tucas, is now my right hand bot, and my eventual successor.
- Bigweld: [sings in a deep distorted voice while being repaired by Rodney, a la HAL-9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey] Daaaisy... Daaaaissy... Giive mee yoour aaaanswer truuuue.