- Fender: You consider me a friend?
- Rodney Copperbottom: Sure. What else would I consider you?
- Fender: I don't know. An embarrassment? A way to rebel against your parents? A desperate cry for help? The list is endless.
- Fender: Well, good luck in the big city. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere, and if you can't make it here, welcome to the club.
- Madame Gasket: Who are these losers?
- Fender: We, sir...
- Madame Gasket: I'm a woman.
- Crank: Ouch.
- Fender: [Scottish accent] We've come to rescue our friend, you evil bag of bolts, and you shall be defeated by the very outmodes that you scorn and detest!
- Crank: 'Cause there's seven of us and only one of...
- [hundreds of minions appear from behind Madame Gasket]
- Fender: Let's see, there's seven of us and... eight? Nine?
- Crank: Did you count that one?
- Fender: I think so. Will you all quit moving around? It's so frustrating! I think I counted one of you twice!
- Madame Gasket: While you're at it, count these!
- [Ratchet's new outmode bot destroying machines come into view with Ratchet sitting on top of one of them]
- Madame Gasket: As soon as we're done with you, these hit the streets!
- Ratchet: This will be the last day any outmode will ever see!
- Rodney Copperbottom: If anything goes wrong, we'll signal each other.
- Fender: What kind of signal would you want? You want something kind of subtle, like...
- [Whispers gibberish]
- Fender: Or...
- [Barks loudly like a seal]
- Fender: Oh, how about this?
- Fender: [Very loudly] Caw-caw! Caw-caw! R-R-R-R-R-Ricola!
- Rodney Copperbottom: Subtle.
- [Herb has just been running through the town, yelling "I'm going to be a dad!" and runs into his house, where Mrs. Copperbottom is standing next to a window]
- Mrs. Copperbottom: Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. You missed the delivery.
- Herb Copperbottom: Oh!
- Mrs. Copperbottom: [holds up a box with a picture of a robot on it] But it's okay. Making the baby's the fun part.
- Fender: I know that sounds bad, but I'm just doing musical arm farts. You know how to do those? They're hard to do because we're made of metal, but that's where the skill comes in.
- Rodney Copperbottom: Hey Fender.
- [Rodney does arm farts]
- Fender: Yeah Baby, let 'er rip!
- [Rodney and Fender are doing arm farts]
- Crank: What are you guys, 3 years old? This is how a man does it.
- [Crank does arm farts]
- Piper: You guys are SO gross! Besides, this is how you do it.
- [Piper does arm farts]
- Aunt Fanny: Hey kids, get a load of this...
- [does BIG farts; Everyone is grossed out]
- Piper: Aunt Fanny, we were using our arms!
- Crank: Ugh, light a match!
- Lamppost: Lady... please... see a doctor...
- Lamppost: [the lamppost passes out]
- Rodney Copperbottom: This is our moment to shine, to show them what we're made of.
- Fender: In my case it's a rare metal called afraidium. It's yellow, tastes like chicken... Buck-ah!
- [lays an egg]
- Fender: Whoa! Didn't know I could do that!
- Mr. Copperbottom: He's got your moms eyes and my dads nose. I knew we were smart to save those parts.
- Ratchet: [as he is begging Bigweld not to fire him] The lies I've told! The lives I've ruined! Wait... this isn't helping me!
- Bigweld: [bursting through the head office door] RATCHET!
- [Ratchet screams in a high pitch]
- Bigweld: I'll come right to the point!
- Ratchet: What happened? Run out of dominoes? I'll send you some more!
- Bigweld: You're fired!
- Ratchet: Fired? On what grounds? This company's never been more profitable!
- Bigweld: Profits, schmofits! Now, get out!
- Ratchet: No, wait! Please listen to me! You can't do this to me! This job is my LIFE! It means everything to me! You don't know what I've done to get here! The lies I've told! This lives I've ruined!
- [realizes]
- Ratchet: This isn't helping me.
- Bigweld: [into an intercom mic] Get me security!
- Ratchet: No, wait! Please! Can't I just make one more heartfelt plea?
- Bigweld: OK! What do you wanna say?
- Ratchet: [Pounds Bigweld on the head with the intercom mic, knocking him out] *THAT!* Oh, my gosh! I'm as crazy as my mother!
- [Bigweld groans, but Ratchet hits him again]
- Aunt Fanny: [pushes Rodney into wall with large backside] Where's your friend, dear?
- Fender: He's been rear-ended.
- Mrs. Copperbottom: I told you I'd find him! It's a mother's instinct.
- Herb Copperbottom: What instinct? He left us a note, "I'm leaving, I'll be at the train station."
- Piper: [about Aunt Fanny] She's a little artsy-fartsy. The artsy's okay, but once she gets fartsy...
- Tim the Gate Guard: [Rodney and Fender are flambouyantly dressed and trying to get into the Bigweld Ball by getting past Tim the Gate Guard] Uh, can I help you?
- Fender: I think-a maybe you can. This is the Count Roderick von Broken Zipper. Formerly, Count Velkro! Where are the trumpets? We were promised trumpets to announce the Count's arrival. Beat me until you are happy.
- [Rodney slaps him]
- Fender: He's happy. And I'm not feeling to bad myself.
- Tim the Gate Guard: Uh, you're not on the list.
- Fender: What? Once again.
- [Rodney slaps him again]
- Fender: Fine! We will go! You will explain to your superiors why were not able to attend your little luau! But we are leaving in a huff!
- Tim the Gate Guard: No, no! Go right in! In fact, would the Count like to hit me?
- Fender: The Count hit you? The arrogance of some people. I shall hit you on his behalf.
- [Hits Tim, knocking him to the ground]
- Tim the Gate Guard: Thank you, your grace!
- Rodney Copperbottom: Mr. Bigweld, are you okay?
- Bigweld: I'm the prettiest girl at the Harvest Moon Ball.
- Rodney Copperbottom: I'll take that as a no.
- Rodney Copperbottom: Something's wrong. There's some-some highly polished jerk sitting in Bigweld's chair!
- Tim the Gate Guard: Yeah, and you're sitting on the sidewalk, magentized!
- Tim the Gate Guard: [laughs]
- Rodney Copperbottom: Crank, the idol of millions is gone, and no one seems to care. There should be an angry mob out there.
- [angry mob runs past the window]
- Fender: [Fender, Rodney and the others go out to investigate the mob] Wow! That was great, psychic friend! Now say, "Money should be falling from the sky."
- Rodney Copperbottom: [as the dominoes are falling in Bigweld's workshop] This is more elaborate than the TV show.
- Rodney Copperbottom: But I don't want my picture taken.
- Fender: You don't?
- Rodney Copperbottom: No.
- Fender: That's okay, there's no film in the camera.
- Fender: [singing] I'm singing in the oil / I'm singing in the oil / After all that work and toil / I'm just slipping in the oil / I know where I've been sent / I'm covered in lubricant... My life has been turned around. From now on, I'm a winner!
- Fender: [Gets captured by the Sweeper] Wait a minute; you can't do this to me! I'm *alive*!
- [singing voice]
- Fender: Help!
- Fender: [Fender's head has just detatched from his body] Happy now!
- Rodney Copperbottom: Not until you give me back my foot, you mugger!
- Fender: I am not a mugger! I happen to beeeeeeeeee...
- [Fender's head falls over]
- Fender: ...a scrounger!
- Piper: Did I miss the butt wuppin'?
- Crank, Fender, Rodney Copperbottom, Lug, Cappy: [surrounded by menacing machines, everyone freezes, staring at her and then move again] No.
- Crank: Actually, you're a little early.
- Piper: [the rest of the wall falls down, revealing an army of outmoded robots behind her, chanting "Rodney! Rodney! Rodney!"] Then let's get started!
- Fender: Testify, sister!
- Rodney Copperbottom: Charge!
- Piper: Come on!
- [All the bots move in to attack]
- Fender: Oh, no!
- Rodney Copperbottom: What?
- Fender: We're going off the track! We're going to crash! I don't want to die!
- [the sphere they are riding free falls and both scream; then the sphere lands in a catapult]
- Fender: [laughing] I was just kidding! Put your head between your legs.
- Fender: [while running down a conveyor belt after putting on a new pair of legs, which reveal they have a skirt on them] This is so wrong... this is *so wrong*!
- Aunt Fanny: And what's your name?
- Rodney Copperbottom: [is mesmerized by her large derriere] I'm Rodney Bigbottom.
- [beat]
- Rodney Copperbottom: No, I mean - I'm Rodney Copperbottom! Copperbottom.
- Darth Vader: [on voice box, which Diesel puts in] The force is strong in this one.
- [Vader's signature breath]
- Fender: C'mon, work with me! Work with me! More pout, less pose. That's OK, inside of you is a fashion model just waiting to throw up.
- [to Rodney]
- Tim the Gate Guard: Boy, when you pick a lost cause, you really commit. Where do they make dreamers like you? Get lost, freak!