Jim Carter credited as playing...
John Faa
- Farder Coram: It's an alethiometer. It's a truth measure - a golden compass. It enables you to see what others wish to hide... You can ask any sort of question you can imagine. Once you've got your question framed...
- Lyra Belacqua: Can I try?
- John Faa: [chuckles]
- Farder Coram: One thing I do know, Lyra, you mustn't grasp at the answer. Hold the question in your mind, but lightly, like it was something alive.
- Iorek Byrnison: Samoyed lands.
- Lee Scoresby: Samoyeds don't take kindly to trespassers.
- Iorek Byrnison: It's the only way to reach Bolvangar.
- [to everyone]
- Iorek Byrnison: Stay close to me.
- John Faa: [to Lyra] Come, child.
- Iorek Byrnison: It'll be dark soon.