James Cromwell credited as playing...
Prince Philip
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Prime Minister.
- Tony Blair: Good morning, Your Majesty. Sorry to disturb, but I was just wondering whether you'd seen any of today's papers?
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: We've managed to look at one or two, yes.
- Tony Blair: In which case my... next question would be whether you felt some kind of response...
- [Queen Elizabeth puts Blair on speakerphone]
- Tony Blair: ...might be necessary?
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: No. I believe a few over-eager editors are doing their best to sell newspapers. It would be a mistake to dance to their tune.
- Tony Blair: Under normal circumstances I would agree. But... well, my advisors... have been taking the temperature among people on the streets... and, well, the information I'm getting is that the mood is quite delicate.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: So, what would you suggest, Prime Minister - some kind of a statement?
- Tony Blair: No, ma'am. I believe the moment for statements has passed. I would suggest flying the flag at half-mast above Buckingham Palace... and... coming down to London at the earliest opportunity. It would be a great comfort to your people... and would help them with their grief.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: [Picks up the receiver] THEIR grief? If you imagine I'm going to drop everything and come down to London before I attend to my grandchildren who've just lost their mother... then you're mistaken. I doubt there is anyone who knows the British people more than I do, Mr. Blair, nor who has greater faith in their wisdom and judgement. And it is my belief that they will any moment reject this... this "mood", which is being stirred up by the press, in favor of a period of restrained grief, and sober, private mourning. That's the way we do things in this country, quietly, with dignity. That's what the rest of the world has always admired us for.
- Tony Blair: If that's your decision, ma'am, of course the government will support it. Let's keep in touch.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: [Curtly] Yes. Let's.
- [the Queen slams down the phone]
- Prince Philip: Bloody fool! And now your tea's gone cold.
- Prince Philip: Have you seen the latest funeral guest list?
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: No.
- Prince Philip: I suggest you keep it that way. A chorus line of soap stars and homosexuals.
- Prince Philip: Sleeping in the streets and pulling out their hair for someone they never knew. And they think we're mad!
- Prince Philip: Your sister called, from Tuscany.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: I hope you told her to come back, cut her holiday short.
- Prince Philip: I did.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: I'd imagine she was pleased.
- Prince Philip: That's putting it milder.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: What did she say?
- Prince Philip: Something about Diana managing to be even more annoying dead than alive.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Just make sure you never let the boys hear you talk like that!
- Prince Philip: Apparently Elton John is going to be singing. That would be a first for Westminster Abbey.
- Prince Philip: It's not right, you know.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: No, but further discussion is no longer helpful, either.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: [Charles comes into the room during news report] Charles, isn't this awful?
- [long pause]
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: What are you going to do about the boys?
- Prince Charles: Let them sleep until we know more.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Yes, that's sensible.
- Prince Charles: I should go to Paris, I told my people to start organizing a jet.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: What, a private one?
- Prince Charles: Yes.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Isn't that precisely the sort of extravagance they always attack us for?
- Prince Charles: How else am I supposed to get to Paris at this time? The airport at Aberdeen will be closed and...
- HM The Queen Mother: Charles, Charles dear, use the Royal Flight; they keep one plane on permanent standby, in case I should kick the bucket.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: No, Mummy, that's out of the question; this isn't a matter of State.
- Prince Charles: What are you talking about?
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Diana's no longer a member of the Royal Family, she's not an HRH, this is a private matter!
- Prince Charles: She's mother to your grandchildren!
- HM The Queen Mother: What's happening now?
- Prince Philip: I don't know; I can't hear, everyone's shouting!
- Prince Philip: [referring to the Royal Standard] It hasn't been lowered for anyone.
- HM The Queen Mother: [to Charles] Your grandfather didn't get the flag at half mast, when he died.
- [whispers]
- HM The Queen Mother: If you're mother died tomorrow, she wouldn't either.
- Prince Charles: Yes, granny. But sometimes, you know, in a situation like this, one has to be flexible. It is just a flag.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: What about the Union Jack? Was Mr. Blair's next suggestion.
- HM The Queen Mother: For heavens sake?
- Prince Philip: The next thing he'll be suggesting you change your name to Hilda and mine to Hector! Who does he think he's talking to? You're the Sovereign, the Head of State. You don't get dictated to.
- Prince Philip: Condolence books are now being signed in our embassies in every major city in the world. And in London alone, the number has reached 40. It reminds me of one of those films. A few of us in a fort, hordes of Zulus outside. So it's vital you hold firm. Stick to your guns. You wait. They will come to their senses soon. They have to.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: The chaplain called. He wanted to know, whether we should make any changes in the service - any special mention of Diana.
- Prince Philip: What did you say?
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Well, I told him not to change a thing.
- HM The Queen Mother: Quite right.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: I think the less attention one draws to it, the better.
- Prince Philip: On our walk today one of the ghillies said he'd seen a large stag up Craggie Head. He reckoned, 14 pointer.
- HM The Queen Mother: We haven't had one as big as that on the estate, for years.
- Prince Philip: No, quite. Anyway, I thought it might be a good distraction - for the boys.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: What? Stalking?