Alex Jennings crédité pour le rôle de...
Prince Charles
- Prince Charles: Why is it? Why do they hate us so?
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Not *us,* dear.
- Prince Charles: What?
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Hmm?
- Prince Charles: They're going back to sleep, or try anyways. My private secretary office have found a travel agency out in New York that will sell me a flight to Paris, with a hour stop over in Manchester. Perhaps now you might like to consider whether it's still an extravagance to bring back the mother of the future king of England. In one of our planes.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: [Charles comes into the room during news report] Charles, isn't this awful?
- [long pause]
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: What are you going to do about the boys?
- Prince Charles: Let them sleep until we know more.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Yes, that's sensible.
- Prince Charles: I should go to Paris, I told my people to start organizing a jet.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: What, a private one?
- Prince Charles: Yes.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Isn't that precisely the sort of extravagance they always attack us for?
- Prince Charles: How else am I supposed to get to Paris at this time? The airport at Aberdeen will be closed and...
- HM The Queen Mother: Charles, Charles dear, use the Royal Flight; they keep one plane on permanent standby, in case I should kick the bucket.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: No, Mummy, that's out of the question; this isn't a matter of State.
- Prince Charles: What are you talking about?
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Diana's no longer a member of the Royal Family, she's not an HRH, this is a private matter!
- Prince Charles: She's mother to your grandchildren!
- HM The Queen Mother: What's happening now?
- Prince Philip: I don't know; I can't hear, everyone's shouting!
- Prince Charles: They stood up, as we drove past, in cafes, in restaurants, removed their hats. This was Paris, one of the busiest cities in the world, and you could hear a pin drop.
- Tony Blair: I imagine it will be the same here.
- Prince Charles: The Palace would still prefer to see this as a private funeral. What are your feelings on that?
- Tony Blair: I - I think that'll present us with difficulties.
- Prince Charles: So do I. My mother, The Queen, comes from a generation of best equipped. She grew up in the war. I think what we need, what this country needs, is a more modern perspective. If you follow.
- Prince Charles: For the first time my parents can see what it's been like for me all these years, being up against her popularity. But they're still making the mistake of thinking that the Diana they knew, from living and dealing with her, will eventually be the one seen by the public. But it won't. The two Dianas, the public's and ours, bear no relation to one another, at all.
- Prince Philip: [referring to the Royal Standard] It hasn't been lowered for anyone.
- HM The Queen Mother: [to Charles] Your grandfather didn't get the flag at half mast, when he died.
- [whispers]
- HM The Queen Mother: If you're mother died tomorrow, she wouldn't either.
- Prince Charles: Yes, granny. But sometimes, you know, in a situation like this, one has to be flexible. It is just a flag.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: What about the Union Jack? Was Mr. Blair's next suggestion.
- HM The Queen Mother: For heavens sake?
- Prince Philip: The next thing he'll be suggesting you change your name to Hilda and mine to Hector! Who does he think he's talking to? You're the Sovereign, the Head of State. You don't get dictated to.