Sylvia Syms credited as playing...
Queen Mother
- HM The Queen Mother: You will have to talk to Lord Chamberlain about all this.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Oh, I have. And to Robert Fellowes, and it seems they both agree with Mr. Blair.
- HM The Queen Mother: I see.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Something's happened. There's been a change, some shift in values. When you no longer understand your people, Mummy, maybe it is time to hand it over to the next generation.
- HM The Queen Mother: Don't be ridiculous. Remember the vow you took?
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: I declare that my whole life, rather it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service.
- HM The Queen Mother: Your whole life. That is a commitment to God, as well as your people.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: But what if my actions are damaging the crown?
- HM The Queen Mother: Damaging it? You're the greatest asset this institution has. One of the greatest it has ever had. The problem will come when you leave. But you mustn't think about that now, certainly not today.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Oh, Mummy.
- HM The Queen Mother: You must show your strength, reassert your authority. You sit on the most powerful throne in Europe, head of an unbroken line that goes back more than a thousand years. Do you really think that any of your predecessors would've dropped everything and gone up to London because a bunch of hysterics carrying candles needed help with their grief? And as for that silly Mr. Blair, with his Cheshire Cat grin...
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Do you think it wise for the boys to go stalking so soon?
- HM The Queen Mother: Anything that gets them into the fresh air is a good thing.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Well maybe they shouldn't take their guns, I mean if a photographer were to see them it might send out the wrong signal.
- HM The Queen Mother: If there is a photographer out there, he could be the first kill of the day.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Oh has anyone heard from Spencers' yet? Have they made up their minds when the funeral will be?
- HM The Queen Mother: Hmm? Well I don't know, nobody tells me anything.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: [Charles comes into the room during news report] Charles, isn't this awful?
- [long pause]
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: What are you going to do about the boys?
- Prince Charles: Let them sleep until we know more.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Yes, that's sensible.
- Prince Charles: I should go to Paris, I told my people to start organizing a jet.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: What, a private one?
- Prince Charles: Yes.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Isn't that precisely the sort of extravagance they always attack us for?
- Prince Charles: How else am I supposed to get to Paris at this time? The airport at Aberdeen will be closed and...
- HM The Queen Mother: Charles, Charles dear, use the Royal Flight; they keep one plane on permanent standby, in case I should kick the bucket.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: No, Mummy, that's out of the question; this isn't a matter of State.
- Prince Charles: What are you talking about?
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Diana's no longer a member of the Royal Family, she's not an HRH, this is a private matter!
- Prince Charles: She's mother to your grandchildren!
- HM The Queen Mother: What's happening now?
- Prince Philip: I don't know; I can't hear, everyone's shouting!
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Why do they do that? Why do they bury their bodies so soon after the death?
- HM The Queen Mother: Islamic tradition. Something to do with the heat. It stops the body decomposing.
- HM The Queen Mother: I supervised those plans myself.
- Robin Janvrin: Indeed. And the Lord Chamberlain was at pains to stress that the spirit of the occasion will be quite different. For example, the suggestion is that instead of 400 soldiers, 400 representatives of the Princess' various charities march behind the - coffin. And instead of foreign heads of state and crown heads of Europe, the guests would include a sprinkling of actors of stage and screen, fashion designers, and other - celebrities.
- HM The Queen Mother: Celebrities?
- Prince Philip: [referring to the Royal Standard] It hasn't been lowered for anyone.
- HM The Queen Mother: [to Charles] Your grandfather didn't get the flag at half mast, when he died.
- [whispers]
- HM The Queen Mother: If you're mother died tomorrow, she wouldn't either.
- Prince Charles: Yes, granny. But sometimes, you know, in a situation like this, one has to be flexible. It is just a flag.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: What about the Union Jack? Was Mr. Blair's next suggestion.
- HM The Queen Mother: For heavens sake?
- Prince Philip: The next thing he'll be suggesting you change your name to Hilda and mine to Hector! Who does he think he's talking to? You're the Sovereign, the Head of State. You don't get dictated to.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: The chaplain called. He wanted to know, whether we should make any changes in the service - any special mention of Diana.
- Prince Philip: What did you say?
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: Well, I told him not to change a thing.
- HM The Queen Mother: Quite right.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: I think the less attention one draws to it, the better.
- Prince Philip: On our walk today one of the ghillies said he'd seen a large stag up Craggie Head. He reckoned, 14 pointer.
- HM The Queen Mother: We haven't had one as big as that on the estate, for years.
- Prince Philip: No, quite. Anyway, I thought it might be a good distraction - for the boys.
- HM Queen Elizabeth II: What? Stalking?