25 of 29 found this to have none
18 of 28 found this mild
A headless dead stag is shown hanging upside down with a bit of blood on the floor. The head of the stag is later shown on a table, and a mild wound is shown on his cheek.
17 of 27 found this mild
2 uses of 'Bloody' 1 use of "For God's sake" and 1 use of 'God'
1 use of 'Christ'
The f-word is comically used once at the beginning of the film by Mrs. Blair: "Thank you very much, now f-off." Though it's not aggressively.
Miscellaneous people throughout the movie refer to either the deceased princess or the queen in derogatory or cynical terms ("the old bat," just to give one example). The cynicism and tabloid-oriented views may sound repulsive. One use of the word 'retarded' from Mrs. Blair.
24 of 27 found this to have none
12 of 25 found this mild
The scene in which Princess Diana is chased by the paparazzi may upset some viewers as they'll most likely know she gets killed in a car accident.
Many scenes of dialogue about Diana's death. Multiple moments of mourning from the British people.