Mark Heap credited as playing...
- Bishop: [toasting the princes] To the new King of Stormhold. Whichever of you fine fellows it might be.
- [they acknowledge him and sip their grog. The Bishop chokes and collapses forward, dead]
- Tertius: Hmm.
- [Tertius chortles nervously as they eye each other suspiciously; his eyes suddenly open wide; he chokes and falls forward, dead]
- Septimus: [to Primus] You!
- [Septimus clutches his throat and chokes, falling backward onto floor; Primus smiles, incredulous, picks up the crown as if to put it on his head. Just as he is about to put it on, Septimus bursts out laughing and rises to his feet]
- Septimus: You really thought you were king!
- Primus: You killed the bishop.
- Septimus: No, Primus, I think you'll find that you killed the bishop, by drinking out of the wrong cup. Oh look... when you finish wrestling with your conscience, may I suggest you return to your chamber. Leave the quest for the stone to me.