Sienna Miller credited as playing...
- Tristan: [Tristan goes to see Victoria on her birthday, picks up a small stone for the window to call her as he used to, then smiles, drops the stone and knocks on the front door, Victoria answers] Happy birthday.
- Victoria: [Looking pleasantly astonished at Tristan's transformation] What happened to you?
- Tristan: I've found the star.
- Victoria: I can't believe you did it. Where's my star? Can I see it? Is it beautiful?
- Tristan: Yes.
- [Tristan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a lock of Yvaine's hair, wrapped in a small piece of white cloth. He gives it to Victoria]
- Victoria: Well, it's awfully small.
- Tristan: Well, that's just a little piece - a token for your birthday.
- Victoria: Well... Well, then forget about the star. It's not the star that I want.
- Victoria: [she puts her arms around him]
- [seductively]
- Victoria: You know what I want.
- [they are about to kiss but he pulls away from her]
- Tristan: Yeah, I do. You want to grow up and get over yourself.
- Victoria: [indignantly] Well! Oh!
- [Humphrey appears around the corner and at the sight of Tristan drops a medium sized box wrapped in red wrapping paper that was suspended from his left hand]
- Tristan: Humphrey!
- Humphrey: Thorn. You must have a death wish.
- [Humphrey then unsheathes a small, thin sword. Tristan unsheathes a much larger and and brandishes it menacingly]
- Humphrey: [backing down] Ah...
- Tristan: [looking amused] Humphrey. Humphrey, it's all right. She's all yours. You really are a perfect couple. The best of luck to you both.
- [Victoria looks inside the cloth containing the token that Tristan has given her]
- Victoria: [ungratefully] Why would I want this? It's just a measly handful of stardust.
- Tristan: Yvaine. She can't cross the wall.
- [Tristan runs off in pursuit]
- [Tristan and Victoria are sipping champagne under the stars]
- Victoria: Do you know, Humphrey's going all the way to Ipswich to buy me a ring.
- Tristan: Ipswich? Victoria I'm talking about London or Paris or... A ring? Why is he... What kind of a ring?
- Victoria: The word is he's planning to propose to me on my birthday.
- Tristan: [crestfallen] He's going to... And you're gonna say yes?
- Victoria: [laughs] Well I can't exactly say no after he's gone all the way to Ipswich.
- Tristan: "All the way to Ipswich"? Victoria, for your hand in marriage, I'd cross oceans or continents.
- Victoria: Really?
- Tristan: Yes.
- [Victoria giggles]
- Tristan: Victoria, for your hand in marriage, I would go to the gold fields of San Francisco and bring you back your weight in gold. I'd go to Africa and bring you back a diamond as big as your fist. Or I'd go to the Arctic and I'd slaughter a polar bear and bring you back its head.
- [Victoria has been moving closer, about to kiss him, but suddenly she recoils]
- Victoria: [disgusted] A polar bear's head? Ugh! You're funny, Tristan.
- [they look up into the sky]
- Victoria: Oh, Tristan! A shooting star. Beautiful.
- Tristan: More beautiful than a fancy ring from Ipswich? Victoria, for your hand in marriage, I'd cross the wall and bring you back that fallen star.
- Victoria: You can't cross the wall. Nobody crosses the wall. Now you're just being silly.
- Tristan: I'm not being silly. I'd do it. For you, I'd do anything.
- Victoria: [thinking] Hmmm. My very own star. It seems we have ourselves an agreement. You have exactly one week or I'm marrying Humphrey.