- Jim Rockford: This is Jim Rockford. At the tone leave your name and message, I'll get back to you.
- Friend: [beeep] Jim, I have to thank you for talking over my problems with me last Tuesday night; I love you for it. But can you have lunch tomorrow and talk about the divorce? I'm real bummed out.
- Jeff Seales: As you know, the Falcone legend has been told many different ways... this last time it was by his former partner Walt Wexler, and unfortunately the toys and the man are closely identified.
- Bob Parsons: There's a complete line of police toys under his name.
- Jim Rockford: Oh, and I'm supposed to keep the name and the legend clean?
- Jeff Seales: Yes! If you could low profile Falcone just until we get the toy line launched, nothing more...
- Bob Parsons: Just your being with him will have a calming effect! Just like a... a steer with a fighting bull.
- Jeff Seales: [blinks twice] ... that could be the worst analogy I've ever heard...
- Bob Parsons: Jim knows what I mean, don't you Jim?
- [Jim gives an uncomfortable smile and nods his head]
- Joseph 'Rocky' Rockford: [Rocky's on the couch in Jim's trailer, the programme, 'Falcone''s just starting, and Jim's in the kitchen, fixing snacks. The theme for the TV show's playing on the set, and Rocky's really into it. Falcone shoots someone, and the screen goes dark, and the name; 'Falcone' fills the screen. Rocky yells for Jim to hurry up] Come on, come on, come on!
- Jim Rockford: [Off-camera, and a bit annoyed] I'll be right there!
- TV Falcone: [Aiming his gun at the unseen villain] Freeze, turkey!
- Joseph 'Rocky' Rockford: [Rocky smiles, and yells] *There!*
- [Rocky claps his hands with glee]
- Joseph 'Rocky' Rockford: There!
- [Rocky turns to Jim, who's just sitting down, and trying to place all the food down]
- Jim Rockford: Oh, oh, I'm sorry...
- Joseph 'Rocky' Rockford: [Quickly changing the subject back to Falcone] anyway, that's the part that I really like. Ain't that something - the way he says
- [Rocky makes a fist, and gets into his 'Falcone' character - 'tough'-voice, and all]
- Joseph 'Rocky' Rockford: ; 'Freeze, turkey', all, real loud, like that
- [Rocky says it again - more emphasis]
- Joseph 'Rocky' Rockford: 'freeze, turkey!'
- Concerned mother: [At the toy convention, Frank's trying to talk to Jeff, when a bunch of 'concerned mothers' come over] We represent the Anti-Violence Ambiance Association. We are against you, and all your toys, your TV image...
- Frank Falcone: [Frank cuts them off] I don't care what you think. Kids are my big concern.
- Concerned mother: [Snarkily] We all have children, Mr. Falcone.
- Frank Falcone: Oh yeah? Well, who's watching them, lady?
- [to Jeff]
- Frank Falcone: It's uh... what, what time you got there? Oh yeah. They should be out of school. I mean, you're down here, at the convention hall, doing your 'concerned parent' number, and who's taking care of them?
- Concerned mother: We're addressing ourselves to larger issues...
- Frank Falcone: Wha-what's larger than what's happening to your kids? Huh? What are they eating? Huh? What are they putting into their mouths while you're working yours, huh?
- [Jeff tries to stop Frank, and Frank ignores him]
- Frank Falcone: Where are they - right now - right this minute? Can you tell me that, lady? Huh? Y-you-know-what's on afternoon reruns? 'Godzappa Eats Wolfman'.
- [Frank's voice gets higher, and more agitated]
- Frank Falcone: You think thats good for children? You think they're not gonna watch... who's home to tell them 'no'? My show's on at 10pm. They should be in bed by 10pm!
- Concerned mother: Your toys...
- Jeff Seales: [Interjects, nervously smiling] Our toys have a... a psychological counter... vI-violent quality, I'd like to point out to you...
- [Walks over to them, and starts to steer them away from Frank]
- Jeff Seales: Now
- [nervously chuckles]
- Jeff Seales: , if you just, uh, follow me, ladies, I Would like to explain to you this, uh, psychological design.