27 of 79 found this moderate
We see photographs of a nude dead man and woman in several scenes (female bare buttocks and bare breasts, and male bare chest and glimpse of testicle).
A nude man; full rear nudity.
A man watches a couple having sex.
A man talks about the sexual sensation of committing a murder, and a man talks about the sexual sensation of watching a murder being committed.
People talk in several scenes about a couple that liked to have sex with the windows open so that anyone could see them.
Extremely brief view of full frontal female nudity.
16 of 25 found this severe
People are killed by gunshot; we see the bloody bullet holes in their foreheads.
A man strikes a man on the leg with a shovel, then strikes him on the head, and then slashes his throat with the shovel's point -- blood spurts and sprays, the man thrashes and twitches briefly and then goes limp; he is then pushed into a grave.
A man is stabbed in the neck with a pair of scissors, blood spurts.
We see a murder scene with two dead bodies on a bed: there are bloody fingerprints on a lampshade. We see photographs of two dead bodies that have been posed in various positions.
Two people fall down a flight of stairs.
A woman falls from the open door of a moving van; we see her later getting stitches to her large and bloody head wound.
A body strapped into a chair, with many hypodermic needles sticking out, swings down from the ceiling nearly striking a woman.
A woman punches and kicks a man. Characters are threatened with guns.
11 of 25 found this moderate
Fuck, shit.
F-WORDS make it severe.
12 of 22 found this mild
Characters are shown drinking wine and champagne. There is a scene at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
12 of 17 found this severe
Several intense, bloody murder scenes. A woman is kidnapped briefly, and a man threatens to rape and kill her.
A man breaks into another man's house, sits on his bed, startling the sleeping man, and then threatens to kill him. Two men enter a dark cemetery, one stands in front off an open grave, and the other holds a gun toward him and pulls the trigger several times but no shots are fired.
A husband and wife argue; the wife says that she wished the husband would, "get hit by a truck and die."