29 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 50ReelViewsJames BerardinelliReelViewsJames BerardinelliThe result, while not horrifically bad, is as mediocre a motion picture as you're likely to find in a multiplex this season. It's tough to hate the movie because it doesn't generate enough emotion for that kind of passion.
- 50L.A. WeeklyL.A. WeeklyMany a comic potentiality is underworked, and the film's prevailing tone is obnoxiously erratic -- surely the supporting eccentrics (Jason Biggs and Lindsay Sloane) aren't supposed to be so off-putting? -- but it rests safe when entrusted to the charisma of its principals.
- 50Chicago TribuneMichael PhillipsChicago TribuneMichael PhillipsThe slapstick is crudely executed. And the movie never makes up its mind regarding how nasty the ghost of Kate is going to play her revenge tactics.
- 50Chicago Sun-TimesRoger EbertChicago Sun-TimesRoger EbertConsider for a moment how this movie might play if it took itself seriously. Would it be better than as a comedy? I suspect so.
- 50Washington PostWashington PostIn her imperfectly beautiful way, Bell suggests Carole Lombard. As a comedian, Bell is enough of a distraction that you can forgive all the inanities around her. And there are many.
- 50The New York TimesA.O. ScottThe New York TimesA.O. ScottFor what it is -- a romantic comedy about the rivalry between a jealous ghost and a flaky psychic for the love of a veterinarian -- Over Her Dead Body is not bad.
- 42The A.V. ClubScott TobiasThe A.V. ClubScott TobiasIt's said that opposites attract, but for the brief period they're onscreen together in the dire comedy Over Her Dead Body, Eva Longoria Parker and Paul Rudd are one of the more bizarrely mismatched couples in recent memory.
- 42Seattle Post-IntelligencerSean AxmakerSeattle Post-IntelligencerSean AxmakerA stiff of a supernatural comedy.
- 20Austin ChronicleAustin ChronicleWhere Over Her Dead Body should soar with blistering verbal gymnastics, it limps with empty sass about weight gain and skin blemishes; where it should race with inventive comic set-pieces, it slogs with extended flatulence sequences and gags about lifting overweight dogs.
- 20Wall Street JournalJoe MorgensternWall Street JournalJoe MorgensternThe kindest context in which to put Over Her Dead Body, which was written and directed by Jeff Lowell, is that of a training film, a public display of people trying to master their craft. The best way to see it is not at all.