5 of 14 found this mild
No sex or nudity shown, but there's a scene that implies the couple is about to have sex: The girl's shirt is off, she's in her bra but the boy is fully clothed. The scene then skips and we see the boy shirtless while the girl is finishing getting dressed.
7 of 14 found this severe
Strong violence.
2 of 9 found this moderate
Fuck is used at least once and shit at least four times. Perhaps there are a few more of these in indistinct lyrics in rap and metal songs. 'Fag' is used as an adjective to mean 'ridiculous' a couple of times in one scene. There is a little other coarse language.
2 of 8 found this mild
Characters discuss getting beer, but no one is shown drinking.
A character smokes a cigarette.
2 of 10 found this moderate