Chris Hemsworth credited as playing...
Jed Eckert
- Jed Eckert: I'm going to fight. I'm going to fight. Now, this is easier for me because I'm used to it. The rest of you are gonna have a tougher choice. Look, I don't want to sell it to you; it's too ugly for that. It's ugly, and it's hard. But when you're fighting in your own backyard, and you're fighting for your family, it all hurts a little less and it makes a little more sense. And for them, this is just some place, but for us? This is our home.
- Jed Eckert: When I was overseas we were the good guys. We enforced order. Well, now? We're the bad guys, and we create chaos.
- Jed Eckert: [walking past Tanner] We're the Wolverines.
- Tanner: [to himself after Jed, Robert & Matt have passed] I was afraid of that.
- Tanner: We're trying to link up with a group of insurgents working in the area. Call themselves Wolverines. You ever hear of them?
- Julie: Yeah, we've heard of them.
- Jed Eckert: You here to help them out?
- Tanner: No. Actually, we were hoping they can help *us* out.