22 of 41 found this to have none
Camera scans up a cheerleader's legs.
Matt runs his hand up Erica's leg, but she slaps it.
Remarks are made about "hot, sexy girls".
12 of 21 found this moderate
Level of violence: 6/10. Amount of blood.
Multiple shoot outs where people get shot and die
At least 3 explosions. Some more intense than others. In all people die
A teenage boy gets stitched up. We briefly see his wound being stitched twice
A close up on a stab wound
Intense sequences of war violence and action throughout including some amount of blood, but most of the gun violence is bloodless.
14 of 30 found this moderate
Says our Lords name in vain 3 times.
One use of the f-word
5 misuses of God's name and 1 misuses of Jesus name.
"Bitch," "pussy."
One use of "bullshit" used very late in the film.
One Use Of The Middle Finger
Minor profanities including "damn", "hell", "bullshit", and one use of "smartass".
Multiple minor profanities (damn, hell)
Numerous uses of "shit."
11 of 18 found this mild
There is a bar scene where a couple men drink beer.
13 of 22 found this moderate
The entire film revolves around part of the United States being taken over by North Korea. There are many fight scenes and explosions. To younger viewers, these scene may be scary.