This show is absolutely magnificent, the jokes, the characters, the dialogue, the relationships, everything is just spot-on. Ron Swanson is one of the greatest characters seen on television and his character development throughout the 7 seasons makes you love him even more. But all the characters are impeccable and unique, Andy, April, Leslie, Ben, Chris, Tom, Ann, Donna and Jerry are all great, even the minor reoccurring characters like Jamm and Jennifer are spectacular. The story is really great and you find yourself rooting for Leslie and what she does for the entirety of the show. However there are 2 minor problems with this show: The first season and Mark. The first season of this show isn't amazing, the characters seem quite reminiscent of characters in The Office and lack originality, some even lack likability. As for Mark, he is simply just a dull and quite boring character, he has his moments, but when he is replaced by Chris and Ben at the end of Season 2 the show gets infinitely better. Bottom line, I would 100% recommend this show, you just have to wait a little for it to get good.