23 commentaires · Fourni par Metacritic.com
- 70Village VoiceNick SchagerVillage VoiceNick SchagerDespite its scattered frenzy, Hop-thanks to its fondness for smushing together seemingly incongruous elements and Marsden's goofy, bug-eyed mugging-is just demented enough to deliver a fleeting sugar rush.
- 70Boxoffice MagazinePete HammondBoxoffice MagazinePete HammondFun for every member of the family, despite marketing that suggests it may be intended for only the youngest of the bunch.
- 50Arizona RepublicBill GoodykoontzArizona RepublicBill GoodykoontzCheck your driver's license - if you have one, you're probably too old to get the most out of it. If not, you may find your satisfaction a little harder - though not impossible - to come by.
- 40Time OutKeith UhlichTime OutKeith UhlichThe various plot threads-E.B. is pursued by a trio of ass-kickingly cute long-eared operatives; a disgruntled worker chick (voiced in emphatic Telemundo tones by Hank Azaria) orchestrates a coup d'état-mostly get lost amid all the allusions. Even Hugh Hefner pops up because, you know, Playboy Bunnies.
- 40Austin ChronicleMarjorie BaumgartenAustin ChronicleMarjorie BaumgartenSome films are saccharine, but Hop is pure sugar.
- 38Orlando SentinelRoger MooreOrlando SentinelRoger MooreThe slapstick is mild-mannered, there's no romance, not a hint of emotion.
- 33The A.V. ClubKeith PhippsThe A.V. ClubKeith PhippsCandy-coated or otherwise, crap's still crap.
- 30MovielineStephanie ZacharekMovielineStephanie ZacharekThere's nothing in it to inspire excitement or even a mild glimmer of delight; it's almost offensive in its dullness.
- 25Entertainment WeeklyOwen GleibermanEntertainment WeeklyOwen GleibermanIt's "Alvin and the Chipmunks" with only one chipmunk, and (if possible) even less fun.
- 25Boston GlobeWesley MorrisBoston GlobeWesley MorrisHop may have taken years to design and animate, but it feels as if minutes were required to compose it.