The story takes place some where in western Tokyo. Domestic cars in Japan have their steering wheels on the right side, but Aunt Sadoko's Mercedes is a left hand drive, since it is an imported car. The housekeeper Haru's red car is a right hand drive, as it is a normal, domestic Japanese car.
In one scene Shon is walking and wearing what looks like sandals. As he continues walking he then appears to be barefoot and then suddenly is seen wearing slippers. However, the movie repeatedly establishes that there are slippers and sandals scattered throughout the house. Characters are shown to change their footwear rapidly when walking in and out. It is perfectly reasonable that Shon changed his footwear off screen in this scene as well.
Pod gets lifted up by a weight on a pulley, implying that the weight is heavier than he is. However, when he pulls on the weight using the same pulley, he can lift it without it falling back down and lifting him up.