No, this is a continuation of the story from the original TV show, set around 20 years after the original show ended. Whereas the original series focused on the bitter fight for control of Ewing Oil between brothers J.R. & Bobby Ewing, this new series mainly focuses on their respectives sons, John Ross & Christopher and their new company Ewing Energies. However, Bobby, J.R. and Sue Ellen Ewing all have major roles in the new show.
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- How many seasons does Dallas have?3 seasons
- How many episodes does Dallas have?40 episodes
- When did Dallas premiere?June 13, 2012
- When did Dallas end?September 22, 2014
- How long are episodes of Dallas?42 minutes
- What is the IMDb rating of Dallas?7.2 out of 10
- Who stars in Dallas?
- Who created Dallas?
- Who wrote Dallas?
- Who directed Dallas?
- Who was the producer of Dallas?
- Who was the composer for Dallas?
- Who was the executive producer of Dallas?
- Who was the cinematographer for Dallas?
- What is the plot of Dallas?The next generation of the Ewing family, cousins John Ross Ewing and Christopher Ewing, clash over the family's oil business and vast fortune.
- Who are the characters in Dallas?J. R. Ewing, Bobby Ewing, Sue Ellen Ewing, Lucy Ewing, the Cliff Barnes, Ray Krebbs, John Ross Ewing III, Christopher Ewing, Gary Ewing, Rebecca Barnes, and others
- What genre is Dallas?Drama and Romance
- How many awards has Dallas been nominated for?10 nominations
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