6 of 7 found this to have none
A teenage girl is breifly seen in her bra at the beginning. Sexual assault is referenced/implied, but not shown.
Some flirting is exchanged between two teenagers in a truck.
A husband and wife kiss but are interrupted by their daughter
1 of 3 found this moderate
A woman is killed. We hear her scream. We later see her dead body being dragged away including her severed hand, front and center of the screen.
When we see the ghosts, they have cuts and bruises on them.
A scuffle between two teenage boys.
A teenage boy hits a man in the face with a shovel.
A woman is hit in the head with a piece of wood.
1 of 2 found this severe
A girl flips a guy off.
One F-word, 3 religious exclamations, 2 scatological phrases, and some other mild profanity.
2 of 3 found this mild
A teen buys pills at a party. Various other pills are referenced and shown throughout, but rarely used.
Some teens drink at a party
1 of 2 found this severe
The ghosts have creepy makeup and move in jerking, twitchy movements. Could be frightening to some viewers.
It is implied that a couple get off on torturing and murdering teenage girls, although we never see them do anything, the implication is quite disturbing.
A few jump scares.