26 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 58Entertainment WeeklyAdam MarkovitzEntertainment WeeklyAdam MarkovitzIt’s a rom-com setup lamer than anything in the Barrymore-Sandler canon, but Binoche and Owen tackle it like high drama and eke out a few sweet moments.
- 50Village VoiceNick SchagerVillage VoiceNick SchagerOwen and Binoche's vigorous, battle-scarred performances, prop up Words and Pictures even when its plotting resorts to unbelievable devices.
- 50McClatchy-Tribune News ServiceRoger MooreMcClatchy-Tribune News ServiceRoger MooreWords and Pictures is the cloying title of a cloying little comedy made by talented people who, not that long ago, deserved better than this, and knew it.
- 50The A.V. ClubJesse HassengerThe A.V. ClubJesse HassengerWords And Pictures is supposed to be divided, as equally as its title, between these two characters. But Owen’s performance as a man who values his own faux-sophistication even as he goes to seed overpowers Binoche, leaving the movie lopsided.
- 50San Francisco ChronicleMick LaSalleSan Francisco ChronicleMick LaSalleAudiences will walk away thinking, "What was that?" But they will walk away thinking.
- 40The DissolveKeith PhippsThe DissolveKeith PhippsSchepisi does nothing inventive visually, and the stars can’t find the humanity beneath Di Pego’s dialogue, generate much romantic chemistry, or make their personal struggles feel like burdens instead of scripted complications they’re destined to overcome before the credits roll.
- 40New York Daily NewsJoe NeumaierNew York Daily NewsJoe NeumaierWords and Pictures doesn’t get the dunce-cap award, but it does lose points for feeling phony and contrived — especially during the moments when it appears overly proud of what it is.
- 38Slant MagazineEd GonzalezSlant MagazineEd GonzalezAt least the irony with which this transparently written and dispassionately aestheticized film so demagogically argues for the value of words and pictures is brutally convincing.
- 30TheWrapAlonso DuraldeTheWrapAlonso DuraldeWords and Pictures never accrues enough emotional resources to bear out the darker, heavier moments, which turns its big dramatic moves into clunky embarrassments.
- 25New York PostKyle SmithNew York PostKyle SmithClive Owen stumbles around the scenery doing unfortunate drunken-writer shtick in Words and Pictures, a formula movie whose script is yet more unfortunate.