Cameron Seely credited as playing...
Cindy-Lou Who
- Donna Who: Um, what are you doing with my bowling ball?
- Cindy-Lou Who: Chasing it.
- Donna Who: I see, and you're taking it where?
- Cindy-Lou Who: It's a secret.
- Donna Who: [trying to unclog the kitchen sink] What did you put down here, a roller skate?
- Cindy-Lou Who: No, just batter. Mrs. Wilbur and I made cookies.
- Donna Who: How did I get such a wonderful daughter like you?
- Cindy-Lou Who: I don't know. Sometimes you just get lucky.
- Donna Who: If so, then I really did.
- Cindy-Lou Who: So did I. I love you, Mom.
- Donna Who: I love you too, sweetheart.
- [Cindy-Who Lou and her group is going through the Ice Maze]
- Cindy-Lou Who: [to her group] All right everybody, brace yourselves. In exactly 48 hours, we are going to do something, that's never been done before.
- Cindy-Lou Who: We're gonna...
- Cindy-Lou Who: [shows the huge lighted statue of Santa Claus] ... trap Santa Claus!
- Donna Who: Don't do anything I wouldn't do!
- Cindy-Lou Who: Roger that, Mom!
- [grabs inner tube and slides downhill]
- Cindy-Lou Who: [to the Grinch, after accidentally running over him with her inner tube] I'm sorry for bumping into you but this is really important. Have you seen my letter?
- Grinch: [growls in frustration] And that, right there, Max, is the true nature of the Who child. Just right to, "Me, me, me. My letter. Me, me, me."
- Cindy-Lou Who: No! You don't understand. This isn't just A letter. This is THE letter.
- Grinch: [turns to face her] Oh, really? Let me guess. Small child, December 20th, rapidly searching for a 'really important' lost letter. Might it be your list of demands to Santa?
- Cindy-Lou Who: They're not demands! It's more like a wish. And what I'm wishing for is really, really important.
- Grinch: Well then, why send a letter? I mean, if it's really that important, you should just ask him face-to-face.
- [mockingly]
- Grinch: Oh, but that's right! No one's ever seen him! My bad.
- [turns to leave; coldly]
- Grinch: C'mon, Max. Let's get out of here.
- Cindy-Lou Who: [waves to Max] Bye, doggy.