A captivating short film that follows a young boy's transformative journey inspired by iconic characters like Shaft and Bond. Shoes is a simple story, with global ambition. A story about Mun... Read allA captivating short film that follows a young boy's transformative journey inspired by iconic characters like Shaft and Bond. Shoes is a simple story, with global ambition. A story about Munidi, a young boy from a village somewhere in Africa. Munidi isn't happy with his image and... Read allA captivating short film that follows a young boy's transformative journey inspired by iconic characters like Shaft and Bond. Shoes is a simple story, with global ambition. A story about Munidi, a young boy from a village somewhere in Africa. Munidi isn't happy with his image and so he sets about transforming his life. Among other westernised ideals, Munidi looks to h... Read all