This simple and short film (only around 90mins) is very underappreciated I feel going by the general reviews and ratings I've seen.
What we have here is a standoff situation where everything has become blurred. A mother & daughter based in the US side of the Mexico/US border are taken hostage in their isolated, but everything becomes a conundrum.
The reality is that the storyline is a moral maze between who actually is the evil one, but it's not overly taxing. From the start it shows a dark side to the mother & daughter in their cabin home, whilst the hostage takers who arrive aren't exactly the tough guys they need to be.
It's quite dark, but not overly so. It keeps it simple, and doesn't need to ratchet things up. It's a tense movie, and you follow in particular the situation with the daughter as her standoff is really as much with her mother as it is with the kidnappers. She's locked into an insular world and wants more.
I thought for a simple, low budget movie, this was very well executed, and deserves credit. Feels like a theatre play transferred onto screen. The acting is wonderful and fine by all, and you will never feel bored.
Admittedly, it's one that has key moments that are sign-posted but doesn't take the easy way out. Predictable in that sense, but it's more the sum of its parts. I thought it was a really good viewing.
Deserves more respect & attention than it has been given so far in my opinion.