143 of 291 found this mild
No female nudity.
Some innuendo and implied sex between couples. Undressing is visible but no on-screen sexual activity. Nudity is limited to a few instances of exposed male backsides and upper female back, but no graphic detail and it's brief.
This program is mainly oriented to adults in their 20s to 30s. It does contain some mature things, No violence, And some language. Some crude humor.
Rear nudity.
Mild sex references and adult humor.
92 of 137 found this to have none
Scenes of violence are very infrequent and have little to no graphic detail. It does however, deals a lot with death, illness, and other similar themes. A suicide attempt is shown (unsuccesful) and a kid is killed by a bomb in a disturbing scene. Some perilous situations.
80 of 130 found this mild
The n-word is used in one episode.
Overall for season 1: There is infrequent mild to moderate language.
Infrequent use of 'damn', 'hell', 'ass', and 'bitch'. 'Dick' is used four times.
68 of 121 found this mild
Overall for season 1: There are occasional drug references and drug usage and use of alcohol. A man's past as an alcoholic is part of an ongoing storyline and is portrayed in a negative fashion. There are storylines that center around addiction and alcoholism.
57 of 110 found this mild
This series may be intense for viewers that have lost a parent or a close relative.