86 of 260 found this moderate
Short sex scenes include brief to no nudity with moaning and thrusting.
Male and female butt nudity in non-sexual scenes, e.g. showering, getting out of bed and getting into a bath.
Straight and lesbian kissing scenes.
Some male full frontal nudity
Throughout the first season most of the nudity is male rear nudity shown whilst being hosed down, females are shown from behind from the waist up.
S2 has less nudity with male full length rear nudity carrying on from S1 and 2 female nudity scenes.
62 of 98 found this severe
Bloody fight scenes shows characters being shot, beaten, stabbed and hacked.
Severe bloody violence. The blood and gore itself isn't detailed or shown extensively, but these scenes tend to be graphic.
A man is severely beaten by several guards. They punch and kick him while he is lying down. His face is later shown with a lot of bruises.
A dismembered corpse is seen several times. The arms, legs and genitalia has been removed and this is discussed in details. No blood but quite graphic.
A man is struck in the back of the head with a baton, knocking him unconscious. Some blood spurts and we later see blood stains on the wall beside him.
A man with blood on his face is seen holding an organ, presumably human. He chops the organ in small pieces and then he, along with several others, eat the flesh. It is implied that they were engaging in cannibalism due to the threat of starvation.
A man vomits blood.
A man is executed by "lung of ice", which means that he is forced to inhale the icy cold air outside of the train. We see him struggling to breathe for a couple of seconds and he then goes limb. His face begins to freeze.
A man is beaten by several guards. His face is covered in blood afterwards.
TV-MA violence type: blood, gore and graphic.
46 of 90 found this moderate
The F-word is used infrequently. Other profanities are spoken.
52 of 84 found this mild
Characters are seen drinking at a bar.
48 of 82 found this moderate
Dead bodies are seen several times, including a man who hung himself.
SUICIDE TRIGGER WARNING: Season 1, Episode 1, graphic suicide by hanging at about 35 min
SUICIDE TRIGGER WARNING: Season 2, Episode 2, at about 20 min. Coerced suicide by slit wrists in a bathtub. Not particularly graphic, but plenty disturbing.