Kelly McGillis, who plays the grandmother in this film, played an Amish widow (Rachel Lapp) in the movie Witness with Harrison Ford.
Some parts of the film was filmed in Horse Cave, Ky.
Grace Conner is shown airborne in a DUSTOFF helicopter in a Theater of Operations (combat zone) wearing a battle dress uniform without any field equipment or aid bags. She wears the insignia of a sergeant but no combat medic badge. Later, she relates to another character that she studied nursing in college followed by training in the Army. Four years of nursing college should yield a BS in Nursing which would make her at least a lieutenant not a sergeant.
The Sheriff's squad car identifies the location of the story as Horse Cave (Hart County), Kentucky and not Ohio.
Becky Conners' car has a Kentucky license plate displayed on the front of the vehicle. Kentucky requires plates be displayed on the rear of the vehicle, not the front.