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Poker Face: Time of the Monkey (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
Worst episode thus far
20 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Enjoyed the other episodes, but this one was horribly written. The schemes the two main characters go through to commit a murder on the person who put them away are not even possible. But worse is how fast the case is solved by Charlie. I was literally rolling my eyes as she was 'going through the bad script writing' of how fast she solved the case. There is no way in real life Charlie would have been able to figure out the bracelet switch. Not only that, to actually catch the guy with the bracelets while he ran the stats for her at a moment's notice would have never happened. The script was an insult to our intelligence after so many other episodes of the show were so well-written. The ending was extremely cartoonish as well. I'll keep watching, and hopefully the next episode will get back to some form of reality.
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Morning Joe (2007– )
The most important political show on the air
11 November 2022
Extremists from the left and right dislike the show, hence the low user rating. It's a good thing that extremists don't like the show. This show is where America can gather to hear people talk like adults, where people like Steve Rattner brings stats that we can use when speaking/typing to other people. As a liberal, I'm glad that Joe being a conservative decided to leave the Republican party, and have a conversation with the country. The past 7 years have been grating to America, but it looks like extremism from both sides are finally failing. We're tired of being ripped apart as a country. Our communities are tired. We want common-sense legislation from our local leaders, and this show is where America comes to talk. Kudos to the production crew for not bringing on the extremists from either party. There is no Jim Jordan, or Newt on the show. People like them have fractured the country, and almost broke our Republic. Also the show doesn't take a commercial break every 5 minutes like many political shows. I don't watch some television shows due to how many commercial breaks they take. The Morning Joe show has found the center of the country in almost every way.
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Kevin Can F**k Himself (2021–2022)
I had to give it a chance
13 October 2022
When this series premiered last year, I watched about 5 minutes, and thought what in the world is this garbage. Then I got online to read the reviews that you need to give the series a chance, and the laugh track was explained. I fell in love with this show! The writing of the intentional cheesy comedy portion of the show actually gets better as the show goes along. I found myself laughing at that part more and more as the show progressed. The one-liners are well written. The tension between the characters was great. Each character in the show has deep problems with their friends and lovers with the exception of Kevin, who sometimes complains about his friends, but loves having them around to boost his ego. The sports themes in the show are also great, because there are grown men who actually act like the characters do in the show. The ending of the show was well-written, because it exposed a darker side of Kevin that we never saw before then. Kudos to AMC for taking this revolutionary chance of producing such a show. I'm interested in learning more about how the show came in to production, who pitched it, etc. And I'll be following the directors and writers to see where they go next.
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Great series
18 June 2022
Enjoyed the series exposing small town crime, and how a community has been terrorized in the process. It's strange reading many of the reviews in that some of the reviewers think they're supposed to have an immediate answer within the series. Series are often done to bring light to a situation. Not everything on television is produced to answer all of the questions. Sometimes the series is produced to ask more questions, and that's what this one did. Also, not everyone has the time to keep up on all crime going on across the country. Most of us viewing will have no idea if there was 'new information', or not. We're not all sitting around watching shows like the Nancy Grace every night.
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McCoy brings freshness and his inquisitive nature to the show
11 June 2022
I really enjoy the intellectual curiosity that McCoy brings to the show. He enjoys learning about different cultures and foods, while giving back to the audience sharing his experiences from his youth to today. Carlton likes to capture not only the attributes that the old hands bring to society, but he embraces what today's youth also offers. Carlton made it out of the projects with the help of his grandmother. His story gives everyone hope. He packs a lot into one show, talking about the past of the locale he's visiting, and its future. It's refreshing to see hosts like Carlton who aren't afraid to talk about real-world issues, dreams, and successes. I'm glad CNN picked a host so young, and hope he'll be around for decades. Carlton's honesty and inquisitiveness will keep producing great show-after-show. The show is a delight, and not intended for the grouchy type of social-media commenter that proliferates the Internet today (note a couple of the doomer reviews here). This is a show about food and dreams, not doom and greed.
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90 Day Fiancé (2014– )
It used to be a good show
28 May 2022
Some of the past seasons were really entertaining, and many of the cast members were not clout chasers as they are today. Many of the scenes today are so heavily scripted that it insults our intelligence. This may be my last season of watching. Would like to see another network take a show like this back to a natural level of real people, and real problems. Not the outwardly manufactured garbage the show is now producing.
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Queen of Meth (2021)
Small City Deals
10 June 2021
I enjoyed the documentary. It was good for what it had to work with, the life of an actor's sister, drugs, and life in a small city. A lot of the negative written reviews seem to be what we often see on the Internet as the hive mentality. I can tell by some reviews, the people who wrote the reviews didn't watch the documentary. It was interesting to see how the leading city employer turned its back on the people. This is something that has been happening since the 80s, as I've watched American labor rights degenerate. There are a lot of lessons on what not to do in the documentary. Frankly that goes from drugs, to chain smoking, and over-eating. We keep hearing from one particular sect of society how bad life is in large cities. In this documentary, we get the full-effect of the downsides living in a small city with little opportunities and resources available to its people. The documentary also offers the lessons of the more you 'own', the more it costs to keep those things up. Lori thought she was taking the easy way out, when in fact it almost crushed her. I'm surprised she can even smile today. She is kind-hearted, but got caught up in the lure of what she thought was easy money. It was fast money, but not easy. I'm glad to see her and Tom are close once again. I wish all of them the best who were brave enough to openly speak about their experiences of those days.
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Not sure what people were expecting
5 August 2019
This was a gem. It gave me insight to a hotel, cafe, dining room, doors, elevators, that I have never seen. Many of these people have spent their careers here, and evidently made some good money. I won't give it away, but how about that bartender tip one night? Some greats have passed through..they love Jack and George. This was a fantastic documentary.
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Shortbus (2006)
A movie with no meaning
10 May 2007
The movie left me disappointed. Blinds and windows were left open in extremely provocative situations without the subjects discovering one another. This would not have even been close to the truth in a real situation. John Cameron Mitchell used very graphic sexual scenes where they weren't needed. I never found a point to the movie. It was about a dysfunctional group of characters who never find their way. The film had a hip and edgy feel that could have been utilized to turn the viewer on to something that was well, hip and edgy. Instead if fell flat, not letting us learn anything when the opportunity was there to convey a message. The day after viewing the movie I am taking the ratings down more. It really was a very distasteful movie. It is a shame Mitchell felt he needed to push the envelope with shocking sexual scenes and at the same time absolutely have no point or meaning in them.
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The writers tried too hard.
24 July 2005
Did the actors read the script before accepting their roles? Dustin Hoffman accepted one of the most porous roles for a credited actor. Most of what he does is so abstract that it's not funny. A lot of the humor in the movie is predictable. Because of that I found it to be a bit embarrassing. I felt sorry for the actors in the movie instead of feeling for the characters. This movie never made it out of the infield. Dustin's character was not believable. It seemed the entire movie revolved around him instead of using Ben Stiller as the one who made us all feel so incredibly uncomfortable in the first movie. The writers seemed to forget Ben is the one who masters satire.
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Directv owes me 3.99$
24 July 2005
This is one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. I am a big fan of sarcasm, and love Southpark and Family Guy. This movie had a very thin plot, bad voice-overs, was loud and grating on my nerves. I expected the movie to be witty, but it was not. It's humor appeals to the most juvenile of instincts (much like the true war that Bush has waged). I watched the first 30 minutes and may have laughed once or twice. This movie in my opinion is the most over-rated I have ever watched. For the life of me, I can't see why it has received such good reviews. Any knuckle head could have written such a poor story. I would advise any one to save their money, and buy some ice cream during this hot hot summer.
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Great story, wonderful camera work.
4 June 2005
I had seen this movie years ago, but forgot most of it. I'm so glad that I watched it again. Now I had the chance to really enjoy the dialog, music and camera work. The camera work impressed me the most. It was shot with a look Hitchcock could appreciate. The direction reminded me of some of the great westerns. The camera brings you into a one-on-one relationship with the actor as much as possible for a movie. The dialog is hip, very hip...and leaves the viewer laughing, frowning and in deep concern from time-to-time. This is one movie where the music does play its fair part in the movie. So many times music is just an addition to a movie, written to be a part of the movie. I'm not sure if the movie was sometimes written around a song, but the music was perfect with the crime, and or the sentence. Reservoir Dogs, over many years could become one of the top rated American films. Almost everything was perfect. However, whether on purpose, or to play with the fans; I did see the shadow of a boom microphone in a scene. I'm guessing that's what happens with perfectionists who write and direct movies. In Pulp Fiction, I saw the holes appear in the apartment room before the actual shots were fired. Not many directors and writers could let something so obvious slide by without leaving us guessing if he did this purposely. Same with Kill Bill, Tarantino allowed the parody of blood squirting from limbs. Reservoir Dogs is a beautiful movie in all aspects. Enjoy a true American story!
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City of God (2002)
What's the big deal?
14 March 2005
I have seen some documentaries on how Brazilian police can storm homes with no warrants. And Brazilian shop-owners will pay to murder homeless children because they steal from them. The movie has an 8.7 of 10 rating on This is an incredible rating, needless to say. I found the camera work far above the norm. The direction was good, but I felt they stole a bit from Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. Also, the story has been done before...poor community, drug dealing, corrupt cops, etc. I think the movie could have rocked if it was 25 minutes shorter, the characters more descriptive and understanding. After viewing the movie, it's difficult for me to understand how it received such high ratings. I found this movie no where near the top 100. It has no place among the best. The photography alone should not justify an 8.7. The story was full of holes, and again, it had been told before in hundreds if not thousands of other cultures.
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A movie with something to say!
4 March 2005
Hedwig and the Angry Inch may be the most visually stunning movie I have yet to see. It's difficult to speak justice of how great to the eye the movie is. It's one part Amelie, one part Tool, and one part of a Radiohead video. The story which focuses on the lead singer and the lover somehow seemed to leave me viewing the movie from the eye of the backup vocalist. Hedwig offers much of a too real look inside of what life has been since the Reagan years. The wall crumbles, but even after the fact, life seems to be the same for the western person! Satisfaction can only be gained by questioning anything established. Any answer of common reasoning is thrown out. Hedwig and the Angry Inch's sarcasm reaches beyond levels of understanding among its actors. They are placed around the world, in different social climates, always after the one thing, acceptance. With that said, each actor has a difficult time even accepting their own self. Each character tries to justify their existence and at the same time offer and almost push their "gift" to the world. It is a very unique movie, and may leave the viewer a bit bitter upon our world's social climate. At the same time, it's a movie that needed to be done! A movie through its myriad of characters helps one to fit in to what seems to be a world being molded from oppressive thoughts, hands, and acts from the elitist establishment.
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Mean Girls (2004)
A great movie!
19 February 2005
It was surprising to see this movie at the moment has only a 6.9 of 10? There's not much more one could ask from a movie of this genre. The acting was fantastic. Every character in the movie played a very convincing role. The movie was well written with a lot of funny moments. It was a movie that offered a look into the different levels of high-school's social pyramid instead of dwelling upon just one area. The cast from Saturday Night Live was very disciplined and well-balanced in this movie. Mean Girls had a well written plot, and left no doubt the actors were chosen perfectly for their roles. The Collector's Edition has a lot of out-takes, etc. The film moved along at such a steady pace it was easy to forget what happened earlier. Fortunately the DVD offers selections with commentaries from the producer, screen writer and director. This gives one a chance to recall some of of the things that did happen during the movie. As time moves forward, I think Mean Girls will stay up there with the most memorable of teen movies over the past decade.
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This movie is a 10...but,
14 February 2005
It's not for the average movie fan. Cecil B. Demented is full of hidden clichés and retro-references that appeals to the warped viewer. The viewer who only sees movies with their 'significant other' will not appreciate this artistic production. The characters are almost toonish, but yet they are real. They are people you may have known, or at least viewed on the The colors are vivid as is the imagination. Waters leaves you wondering what he can think of next! Honey Whitlock is seductive, mature and yet willing and submissive to the abductor's plot. This does bring up memories of the Patricia Hearst kidnapping which appropriately she is in the movie. Hearst plays the role of Fidget's mother. And most of us guys can relate to Fidget. If you are a fan of underground movies, you will love this one!! Be careful who you refer this movie to, or they may put you in their prayers! It could polarize your next family get-together!
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Well done.
14 November 2003
It looks as if I am among the few who found the directing and production to be flawless. Janet McIver was also the production manager of Whale Rider and Once Were Warriors. Broken English is a delicate movie where the father tries to balance self-control and the love for his family. It is a harsh look at bigotry, and the ramifications of such behavior. Unlike Once Were Warriors, Broken English scores with great acting and has a much better script. True to life, the movie doesn't offer simple answers for the problems the cast deal with. If you're a fan of viewing different cultures, you will most likely enjoy this movie. I enjoyed this movie much more than the other two listed above.
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Frida (2002)
Frida will leave you appreciating a different culture.
7 June 2003
Just saw the movie at the cheap-theater. It was very well directed. I was very impressed with the way the colors were used in the picture. The movie itself was almost as a painting. A great view for anyone who is interested in learning as they watch a movie! I'll view it again when it comes on PPV. Look forward to watching it on my big
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May be the best I have seen.
22 December 2002
This may be the best movie I have ever seen. The fake snow got on my nerves, otherwise it was an excellent production. The cast was remarkable. Each actor played their parts without fault. The story kept growing and growing and ended beautifully. I found this film had the best camera-work of any movie that I have seen. Turn your phone off, and don't answer the door. You'll love this movie if you are fan of great story-lines.
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Ish !!
20 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the reviews, and the low rating, so I decided not to record this movie while away from work. Surprisingly released for the holidays at an early hour, I turned the movie on when I arrived home. Somewhere in the movie I began at a club scene...the people in the club were dancing like I've never seen anyone dance. Their clothing and hair so fake. It was like watching a Cyndi Lauper video..but worse. The guy from the USA tells some Russians he's from Chicago..and they say Chicagay. Now we know Russians can pronounce their O's. So the guy hits the dance floor bopping up and down like a cork hit by a large bream, and this Russian gal just grabs him by the arm and they hook up instantly. All the while every one in the club is just having the best time of their life..all talking, all dancing..there are no wall-flowers!

It's so bad..As I sit typing this, and watching what supposedly are "punkers" who have more makeup than Marilyn Manson on halloween, I feel the need to continue my leaning towards a 2nd beer. This is the worst set, worst acting, worst clothing, that I have ever seen in 10 minutes of cinema. Horrid horrid stuff.
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Frailty (2001)
A Perfect Production
4 December 2002
This movie is beautifully designed! There are no flaws. Not in the design of the set, the lighting, the sounds, the plot. The script is an invitation to a complex game where the participants are on a simple mission.

Paxton is at his best in this role. His mannerisms, the infections used in the tones of his voice are without miscue. Each shot meticulously done! Surprises turn up one after another when the movie reaches past its first hour. This may not be the best picture of the year, but it's a gem that has been very well polished. It's not for the simple mind.
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Mostly Martha (2001)
Well..not bad..but
27 November 2002 wasn't bad. But I did fall asleep in the theater. It had some qualities that were good..the niece struggling between studies and work. Martha getting her life on track, and trying to find the respect she deserved. The movie to offered little for me, but the colors of food. It seems there is a trend these days that independent movies are becoming popular only because they are independent. I found this one to be the same genre. Martha could have given us some very heart-tugging moments. Instead it cooked up a very slow-paced movie that presented little humor in such a dreary life. There were a lot of missed opportunities that her mind could have spoken to the audience. Instead it offered the usual villains and the knight wearing a chef's hat.
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Waking Life (2001)
What a treat!
27 November 2002
When I first began watching this, I said to myself, (this thing better not be animated all the way through). But it is, and what a pleasant surprise! The very beginning is adorable with the little girl asking him to pick a color, any color. From that point on the movie grows into a voyage for the meaning of life. The main character is often confused of how and why the subjects enter his world, but each end up offering valuable lessons with penetrating and burning impressions. This is one movie you can watch over and over each time discovering something different. It's a masterpiece!
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Nothing funny, with no surprises.
27 November 2002
This movie is often compared to Shrek. I found no comparisons but for the main character and the animated look. This movie offers a story line spread so thinly that it tore within the first 30 minutes. I didn't laugh once in the first hour before I decided to get up and write how boring this movie is. The little girl is cute, but offers no surprises, and has very little attitude for supposedly a scary presence. The monsters remind me of the blue-collar characters from the row houses of Baltimore. The viewer is not allowed any kind of reference to any of the monsters past or their future. The entire movie is predictable, boring and difficult to watch. You will not likely run across anyone that says they have watched this movie multiple times as they did with Shrek. I give it a 2 of 10, and advise anyone that expects to see anything mythical, creative, or enchanting to avoid this movie.

There's not even one good line in Monsters Inc. Remember from Shrek.."Yes. The ginger-bread man!"..gurgle gurgle.. Shrek set the barometer for the future of animated movies with stories.
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Shrek (2001)
One of the best ever
27 November 2002
This movie offered nearly everything anyone could hope for. It had the much disliked villain, the damsel who was a tomboy and needed to give direction to get the work done. The work of Eddie Murphy and Michael Meyers is superb. Everyone would have loved to have a pet like the donkey, but for the less than sociable Ogre. He lived truly up to the character who dreaded the meetings with anyone but himself, but yet fell in love! There was so much cuteness in this movie: the gingerbread man, the dating game, the talking mirror, the donkey, the dragon even had its tender side. The writing is superb, even giving the characters a chance at directing the show. This movie sets the barometer for any animated movie that will reach "all" ages. I've never seen anything animated that is as appealing to all ages. Can't wait for the second movie. Rock on.
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