Ferrari (2023)
Average at best
Watched this and thought to myself wonder what budget was used, after finding out it cost 96 million I have to question where all the money went. The storyline drags and is very boring, some of the car scenes look terrible and most of the acting is very average.
It is very weird to make a movie about Enzo and only include a tiny piece of his life, there was a lot more to this man than one race and a love child. So much more in his life that would have made sense to make a movie about.
I really question sometimes movie studios and who makes the decisions on what to spend money on. In particular the car accident scenes are woeful, $96 mil and this is what they came up with? Pretty sure if you gave me that much I could make a better movie.
Deadloch (2023)
Killed by some terrible acting
While the concept of the show is good and a majority of the acting is good, Madeleine Sami is possibly the worst actress i have ever seen. She completely spoils the show and makes it unwatchable, think the wroters need a little help on this one as the storyline could use work.
Scenary is great of course and the general camera work etc is well done for what i assume is a fairly small budget, i take it back if has a big budget.
Tried to keep going but gave up after 4 episodes, maybe when i get really bored i might finish it. Not overly funny but there is the odd laugh, some of the lesser charactors are actually more entertaining.
Shrinking (2023)
Finally some decent content
I had zero expectations before watching this and actually was not a huge fan of Jason Segel, but he is actually brilliant in this. Along with the rest of the cast who do a fantastic job of pulling this one off, actually a really well written series with some great humour along with a good storyline.
For once they havent overthought the storyline, have not made it over complicated, tried to do anything crazy and unique, just a good cast combined with a basic storyline and some good humour.
I actually binge watched it within a week and now upset i dont have more of them to watch. In total amazment that there are people giving this less than 7 stars, do youself a favour and watch it.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre (2023)
Far fetched, sometimes funny.
I do love myself a Guy Ritchie film but this one? It was ok, Aubrey Plaza is the best part of the movie and other than that could be any old action hollywood crap movie. Entertaining but not one to put on your bucket list to watch in a hurry, some good performances but generally the storyline is too predictable. I had been waiting for this one to come out and was left a little dissapointed to be honest, what happended to the Guy Ritchie who made the classics like Snatch and Two Smoking Barrels? Seems he has made enough money now and just needs to make the token movies to keep him going. I gave it a 6 and that is being generous, really a 4 star movie without Aubrey in it, who is brilliant in anything she does.
Tulsa King (2022)
Terrible show
This show just highlights the current issue of more content not quality content, the storyline is terrible far fetched rubbish, acting by Stallone is like something you would see in a local school performance (only worse).
I can not believe the good reviews this show gets, is it because it is Stallone in it? Anyone else and they would give it terrible reviews.
The final episode it probably the worst of the bunch, hacking into a computer while law enforcement have it in their hands, the reaction from the bad guy once he realises his money is gone all terrible.
Yes I watched the whole series (with a lot of skipping through) just to see how bad it was. I don't recommend this to anyone.
She Said (2022)
Finally a decent movie
Strangly i had heard nothing of this movie before watching, i was pleasantly surprised by a well written account of real life events. It was well done and the actors cast in this worked well.
After all the hype of rubbish movies like Top Gun finally get to watch something with a decent script.
It is disturbing though how much of this goes on in the world, this is just one example of what happens at many companies. You dont need to be a feminist to enjoy this movie.
Take the time to watch it, you will enjoy the well put together cast and storyline. Wish more movies concentrated on storyline and cast instead of big special effects and corny lines.
Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Cringy 80's style storyline
I really love the original top gun and it worked at the time, but these days you need a little less cringy unrealistic moments and this one has so many it is not funny.
Just happen to find an enemy F14 all fueled up with weapons they can fly back and have a dogfight in, really???
Storyline was pretty average, flight scenes were good but I can watch planes on YouTube if that is what I am after. I still cant believe all the 10/10 reviews, am i watching a different movie or has the movie going public really lost the plot.
It is ok but not film of the year and does not deserve all the 10 star reviews on here.
Pam & Tommy (2022)
Could be good but lacks polish
While the story could be great the acting of some characters is lacking, like a bad TV movie. Lily James is always sensational to look at so that makes it bearable.
Not exactly why they made some plot choices they did, like why is Seth Rogan a carpenter and not an electrician like the real story? Why is Tommy so overacted? Machine Gun Kelly did such a better and more believable job in The Dirt of playing Tommy.
2 episodes in and I will keep watching but like most shows now it is just content for the sake of content and not quality. Oh and the fact Lily James is in it will keep me watching anyway.
The Tourist (2022)
One of the worst shows, 6 hours of my life I will never get back. Badly written and so far fetched, especially love how no one seems to lay for anything in the show. Just magically get a helicopter ride for free.
Save yourself the time.
Killing Eve (2018)
Easily one of the best shows on TV in the last few years, great writing to deliver a great combination of drama and dry humour. Villanelle as a character is genius and credit to Jodie Comer for pulling off an amazing performance.
I will be sad when season 4 ends and the show is over, it is hard to find good viewing these days as everyone seems to be all about generating content rather than actually making good shows. So many 5 out of 10 star shows, watchable but nothing great. Killing Eve bucks the trend to make a great show.
No Time to Die (2021)
Bond for the sake of bond
What a very badly written Bond movie, if it was not the Bond franchise you would not bother. Not sure why it was so long, there are times you want to fast forward as it is slow and boring.
Just seemed someone needed to spend lots of money to make a movie and tried to put as much as possible into it, fails to deliver.
Ted Lasso (2020)
A great show.
You don't need to be a sport fan to love this show, it is funny but also has some great plots lines. For a light hearted laugh and a bit of fun it is just what is needed.
The characters are well thought out with a real variety of comedy within those, a very well delivered show without being overly complicated.
Billions (2016)
A great show that has gone too long.
Used to be a great show and twists and turns you did not see coming, unfortunately it is now so predictable it is boring. You can guess 5 mins into an episode what is going to happen, the same story line over and over again. One episode Axe gets the upper hand, next it is the AG, and over and over.
Some of it is so far fetched now that you sit there with your face in your palm, should have been retired after season 4.
Wu-Tang: An American Saga (2019)
Great idea but loses its way
I have always loved Wu Tang so let me say i was excited to start watching this, it started ok but it is very slow. Some episodes you get to the end and think did anything actually happen?
Some of the acting is brilliant but some is not great at all, while the idea and the actual story of Wu Tang is great the show is let down by some slow plots and average acting at best.