Breaking Bad: Fly (2010)
Perfect and misunderstood
This episode gives us such great detail into the relationship of walt and Jesse, making their relationship more multidimensional whilst simultaneously showing walts obsession over the littlest of things in the case of the fly which he refuses to let go. The episode is extremely misunderstood as oppose to the traditional action and various things happening at once which we see in every breaking bad episode, this episode solely focuses on the characters of walt and Jesse...their relationship and everything that has occurred thus far in their lives since the beginning of breaking bad. Overall it is fantastic and gives the characters more layers.
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008)
Great movie but the ending was...
I lived this movie from the first to last minute and I love how Bruno is so soft to Jews and not nasty like other soldiers. I really don't want to talk about the end but...Watch it urself.
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Amazing and impactful
When I left this movie I felt so great and so relieved. Everything I wanted to be in this movie and more was there. The sinister 6,all 3 spider men actors in the same movie and a long run time to cover everything.
I was kinda shocked that the only death was Aunt mays but it was good because at the end when everyone forgets Peter she didn't have to go through that.
Tobey Maguire and Willem Defoe still performed amazingly and Andrew Garfield as well as Tom Hollands improvement in acting.
I only have a few problems like why they 3ushed the first half and why Peter went to Doctor strange to reverse time so casually like it was nothing. Also why was J. Jonah. Jameson in Tom Hollands world when he is meant to be in tobey Maguires world?
Ojing-eo geim (2021)
Netflix made a great decision making this.
I love squid game. I watched all 9 episodes in 2 days as it was so intriguing. Episode 6,9 and 1 were so good and the games were so tense and creative such as the first one and the tug of war won. Episode 6 was really sad with many of my favourites dying like Ali and il nam. The twist at the end of ep 9 was good with IL name creating the games but I didn't like it that much. There are some unnecessary rude scenes in ep 4 and 7 but I just forwarded them.
Overall,I rate the show 8.5.It was definitely Netflix's best show but it was not the greatest show of all time.
The Flash: Good-Bye Vibrations (2021)
The only good episode of s7
It was a sad episode and also funny but Cisco was my favourite and to see him go was really heart breaking.oh well it's not like the show is in its prime but it's alright hope he comes back though.
Jaws (1975)
A stephen Spielberg classic
I love how the story is very simple,about a shark attack killing a woman at the beginning,the shark keeps on returning so 3 men go out to find the shark and kill it. The climax was great,with them being able to destroy the shark in a tricky manner. It will always be remembered as a great stephen spielberg movie and the most simplest.
Luca (2021)
Very good animation style
Yes,as far as the animation goes it was great. The story was great and luca and his friend alberto being able to keep their identity hidden gor that long was impressive. Should definetly watch,i personally think it is one of pixars best.
Blood Diamond (2006)
Amazing from Leonardo DiCaprio
First things first,leo nailed the accent for a Zimbabwean person.
The plot was very complex and easy to understand:
These very valuable diamond's in Africa are dug up from the ground,and one day a poor slavefinds a really big one-soloman the main character.leo's character finds him and says 'tell me where it is,we will split the money and i will take the then turns into into aan adventure ,wich is emotional and and also fun.
Other character's like the woman reporter forgot her name are importnat.probably the best film i have watched all year with great acting.
Mortal Kombat (2021)
Good action flick but not great
I really liked this movie and i already know that if you love the vid game youll love this as it delivers fan pleasement. The action is amazing and amazingly choreographed. The acting is okay but kano was soooooo funny and delivered laughs all the way through.
I recommened this but beware of violence.
The Queen's Gambit (2020)
The queens gambit =7.8
The queens gambit is based on a book tutned into a miniseries about beth, a nine year old orphan who befriends the janitor and learns how to play chess exceptionally well.
There are a few dumb scenes like here gobbling down the pills and her dancing around for no absoloute reason but, the story and acting of beth and the rest of the cast especially dudley dursley is so good
This was a no spoiler review so it is short but you can still watch this if you dont know about chess although you wouldbenjoy it even more if you like chess.
The Hunger Games (2012)
7.8/10 very true to the book.
I absolutely was shocked by how good of an adaptation this was but of course not as good as harry potter. They nailed district 12 and all the castings (especially cesar flickerman) and the games themselves was just as great as the book described. Liam Hemsworth as gale was abit off as a casting but atill fantastic.,peeta was a limeable character and katniss was a great peotagonist. The tracker jackers were incredile.
If you want to understand it more id advise you to read the book but it is great.
Bigfoot Family (2020)
Atrocity only good animation
I watched this at school and in the 3rd act i thought this villian is so rushed! Adams hair is very weird and so is his dad. They could have made it longer and more development
Hop (2011)
Illuminations under rated film
Hop is a funny movie that has a good bond between the leads. I rhought the final fight just looked abit strange with all the animation and a human. I watch this once a year and I enjoy it for what it is.
Shutter Island (2010)
Today I watched a masterpiece
Shutter island is in my opinion better than inception.
Mark ruffalo worked well with and without Leonardo dicaprio. The mystery is there and the twist end (which I wont spoil) is amazing. Really, scorcesese did an amazing job and I advise you to view it.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
Ok but it is in the bad age if terminator
I actually give this a 6.7. I found he tx to be a good antagonist and the action was still great. But the talk to the hand stuff was just cringey. John Connor was ok but not aswell casted and armold was decent but he did beter in the first 2
The Terminator (1984)
I'll be back
I love this movie. It isnt as good as T2 but it is one of the best 80s movies. Arnold schwarzenegger did amazing as an actor with barely any experience and linda hamilton and kyle reese the same. The mythology is at its best in this but due to the amazing action,acting and better directed T2 I love that an inch more
The Nutty Professor (1996)
The crap proffesor
I really didnt enjoy this film. Eddie Murphy's worst. Ajould be rated 18.
Ratatoing (2007)
Bad animation, no character development, tooo short, too inappropriate and the only thing saving it is that the voice acting was decent?
Goosebumps (1995)
One of my absoloute favoirite childhood shows and thats in the 2010s
I enjoyed this show and my favourite episode was welcome to dead house part 1&2 it is the scariest and mist well structured. Some episodes haved dogey cg but the majority had raelly good practical affects. Ugh there are more episodes I really want to talk about but I dont want this to be too long. It is miles better than are you afraid of the dark.
My Mum Tracy Beaker (2021)
Not as good as the original and tracy beaker returns
Rushed. Sean godfrey came out if nowhere AND marries tracy. The end with Cam was stupid and had 0 build up. I liked jess but justine had a redemption in the other 2 series so how is she bad in this. Season 2 better be better and im happy tracy didnt marry sean. I think bbc should have done better. Also I rate it 5.5 not 6
Horrid Henry (2006)
My childhood
I loved it as a kid and I remeber alot of episodes just like that.
Falling Down (1993)
You will NOT waste any time watching this ps on netflix
I love this movie although I do think it should be rated 15 instead of 18.Its fun and well its more of a movie to watch before reviews. On netflix
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
My favourite movie of all time
From the action to the bond of the t 800 and john this movie dominates with every scene
Arnold schwarzenegger was amazing and so was linda hamilton, Edward furlong and patrick something (the t 1000).I fliping loved this blast of a gilm. The hasta lavista scene was amazing and so was sarah connir's prison escape. The best sxene is where arnold is like what is your dogs name and he says wolfie instead of max which is the real name and then the parents say wolfie is dine and arnolds like your parents are dead
News of the World (2020)
Shortest review Ive done
Everything with habks is exceptional and this is no exception 😂
Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993)
I swear this is called innocent moves
Anyways I liked it pretty decent but not groundbreaking oer anything