Most Recently Rated
Flipped (2010)
This was the 2250 film I've watched and added to my IMDb list , it is also the worst film on that list . At first I though Riener was just getting a little to set into a style of yesterday and reluctant to make a film that could resonate with anyone under the age of 60 , I mean he could have told the same story placing it into a different decade to at least make it a little more connectable to viewers. But the miss fires go beyond that including, the narration which is a failed attempt to replicate "the wonder years" , the filming style which is also similar to a television program , as well as the needle drops which are the same songs you've heard in every film set in this time and released in the 80's . And to take it even further , repetitively using the term "retard" and casting a non disabled person to actually go "full retard" in a deception of a mentally challenged person was disturbing. To make a film this terrible, especially with such credible actors and such a distinguished director is actually quite a accomplishment that deserves a 1/10 which is nearly impossible to score yet still be available to watch.
River's Edge (1986)
Crispin glover
Crispin glover is the worst actor in the history of film , I can only imagine that Keanu was inspired by Crispins over actung when he stared in bill and teds , Robert Zemeckis did some how made it work with back to the future .. but the guy is terrible and always over acting and out of touch with his characters ... this film would have been great with anyone else besides him .. with him it's unwatchable ..
Unfinished Business (2015)
This may not be the worst film on the history of film. Or maybe it is, Franco is the only reason I didn't give it a 1/10. Over 1500 films I've watched this one is definitely in the bottom 50. Vince Vaughn continues his streak of bad movies.
Peppermint (2018)
I am an avid movie goer I consider myself very much a film buff I have confirmed watching over 1500 films. I have watched some bad movies and I have been known to love some "bad" ones , actually I like a lot of bad movies . I have yet to venture into reviewing films and I do not intend on deaply reviewing this one. That all said , this one is horrible. If you saw the trailer you saw the movie , or better yet the better version of it. Every scene is predictable as is the dialog . Not only is the movie horribly written and predictable it is sterotypical and in my opinion aimed at the middle American trump supporters. Half of the Mexican gang are ridiculously stereo typed and cast by non Mexicans. The police are dumb downed as if this was written by a 12 year old . To sum it up this is somewhat of a cheesy Steven sagal movie from the 80's except there's no Steven segal and honestly me even comparing it to one of his films is an insult. I have been to the theaters 18 times this year and all where good even the two that where sub par are dominate over this film . I rank it a three out of ten stars only because the picture quality and a few of the action scenes. And any less then 3 is almost unbelievable to accomplish.
The Zombie Diaries (2006)
I have seen them all, this was the worst
Being a child of the 80's I grew up on horror, everything from Freddy to Pinhead (and of course my favorite, Jason). I remember being 7 years old and watching Dawn of the Dead, it freaked me out, I had nightmares for weeks, even seeing it when I was 25 it still freaked me out. After that I became a zombie freak, Night of the living dead, Dawn of the dead, Day of the dead, Return of the living dead and more recently the 28 films became some of my favorites. Seeing the trailer for this film I thought it looked great, I knew it was a low budget film but this didn't bother me, seeing that some of my favorite films are low budget "b" films. When I saw it in the store I grabbed it and payed $14 (even though i usually buy used films much cheaper) for it seeing that I was already interested in the film and it was attractively packaged. That night I put it in kicked back with a beer and anticipated some awesome zombie fun. Boy was I wrong, this film was simply horrible, the acting was poor the story was non-existent and the quality was straight garbage, seemingly an attempt at a blairwitch type video camera affect and a total copy of the concept off diary of the dead (which wasn't great but is eons better than this), but with no plot. This film is unworthy of even existing, I own over 600 films and and love everything from evil dead to good fellas, night of the comet to American beauty and I can honestly tell you that i feel like destroying this film because it is a disgrace to my collection, avoid it at all cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!