
1 Review
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I Am Dina (2002)
Brilliant - if you like drama
20 December 2004
This movie is one of the best cast films I have ever seen.

The acting from Maria Bonnevie(Dina)is amazing. Totally realistic in a not-over-the-top way. The script is fantastic ("then my momma left me" - be aware that this film is primarily Norwegian with a mix of Danish/French/Swedish - not American - and is set in the 1860's). Supporting actors like Gerard Depardieu, Hans Matheson and Mads Mikkelsen really sets it off. And I don't know where they found the young-en to play the young Dina but she was perfect. To round it off you have breathtaking scenery and a brilliant soundtrack.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes a good drama.
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