Surface (2005)
Don't watch this unless you want to become an addict!
I set my TV to record this show every week because I can't stand to miss an episode.
My husband and I are hopelessly addicted (and we take pride in the fact that there aren't many TV shows we like to watch).
My son, who is away at college, came home on a short break. I told him the main storyline, and let him watch the third from the last episode of the season. He made me promise to record the next two so that when he came home on his next break, he could watch the season finale. Needless to say, he is now an addict.
The choice of actors, how they mix, their acting ability, along with the storyline makes this series absolutely riveting! I feel like I know these people and I can't wait to find out what happens to them next.
I even love that computer animated little Nimrod. (Okay, he does remind me of our two 5 foot long iguanas, even though they are a lot friendlier than little Nim!)
I truly hope we do not have to wait a long time for next season to start. And I love that part of this show is filmed in Wilmington, NC. Isn't it beautiful!? (We live only two hours away and we love those beaches!)
I also hope that the writers don't change for next season. So many times, I'll like a show, and then the writers change, and I find I no longer have any reason to watch it.
Anyway.. This show is a 9.5! Great job!!!
Romancing the Bride (2005)
I really enjoyed this movie!
I like a movie that is funny, romantic and provides a pleasant break from reality! This movie fits the bill. There is very good chemistry between the two main characters, and it's a pleasure to watch them with each other. I found myself smiling a lot.
It took me awhile to figure out who the female lead was.. (Okay, I never could figure it out.. I had to come to this site to look her name up and see what other things she was in... well, to my surprise.. she was on "That 70's Show"!)
This movie, to be sure, was light and fluffy, no big complications that stress you out.. I just had a good time! I would watch it again!
13 Going on 30 (2004)
It's about time!
A feel GREAT movie. I am so SICK of feel BAD movies!! I needed a lift this weekend and I got it by watching this movie! I even watched it twice (extremely RARE).
Okay, okay, I am a Jennifer Garner fan... My name is RAVEN and I am an Alias Addict. I haven't attended any meetings yet (AA stands for more than just Alcoholics Anonymous), but who wants to quit an Alias addiction??!! .. and maybe Jennifer was the main reason I felt great.
Anyway, Mark Ruffalo was perfect in his role. Nuff said about that.
The message about what you THOUGHT you wanted in high school has NOTHING to do with what you want when you are older is EXACTLY true. I don't remember any other movie covering this in quite the same way.
If you want to feel good, if you LOVE Jennifer Garner and (at least) like Mark Ruffalo, spend the money to watch this movie.
The Human Stain (2003)
I liked the idea **** SPOILERS ****
I really liked the main story line. But I could never get into Nicole K. playing the part she did... I just saw her as Nicole K. TRYING to ACT like white trash... And the pronounced English accent by Anthony (an absolutely wonderful actor) kept me from accepting him wholly as the character he was supposed to be.
Also, the movie showed a brilliant man dumbing himself down by engaging in daily dangerous activity... ie.. a relationship with a woman whose x wanted her dead (and didn't care if someone close to her might be included in her demise). I don't think that was ever really explained. (At least it wasn't to MY satisfaction.. surely it wasn't just SEX...would Anthony Hopkins actually stoop to that level? Maybe this was one more reason he just didn't fit in that part.)
I did understand, however, that he thought telling her the truth about himself would make her feel that that were more on an equal basis. Unfortunately, he was always ashamed of who he was and viewed himself as "trash". Upon hearing her comments about herself and her ideas... that she wasn't good enough for him... well, he just had to tell her. So just when things picked up for them... well you know the rest.
This could have been a great movie. Didn't quite hit the mark.
BUt I am STILL an Anthony Hopkins FAN.. :)
Lost in Translation (2003)
Waste of Time
I was looking forward to a comedy... I really needed a laugh. But I didn't get what I paid for because I was BORED to TEARS, which immediately turned to FRUSTRATION, because with all the HYPE, I felt like I had been LIED to!
But I guess I am more frustrated with myself for watching almost the whole thing.. (my only excuse is that I believed it HAD to get better and if I was patient, the real worthwhile plot would be revealed to me..)
Anyway, I could have spent my time doing MUCH more productive things. If you haven't watched this movie yet, DON'T. Go plant a tree, give your dog a bath, or train some worms to race. All would be more productive.. and entertaining.. than this movie.