Borderline (2024)
I really wanted to like it but it was impossible
To declare that the female lead in this series is 'abrasive' would be akin to saying that Mission Impossible has some action sequences.
She is so contrarily stubborn and abrasive that it's impossible to stay attached to the plotline.
Every word or action her protagonist speaks or does is set upon by her with an absolute vengeance.
If this weren't enough to put anyone who normally enjoys police dramas off, the ridiculous improbability of some of the police procedures is seriously laughable. As I don't want this review relegated to the 'spoiler' section of reviews, let me just say I watched, with some tongue in cheek, up to and including episode four. At that point the events become so absurd and silly that I wondered if I had strayed into a cartoon series.
If you like overly- strong-willed women in charge and submissive men, then this is the one for you. For the remainder of humanity, though, it falls seriously short of believable.
Night Coppers (2022)
Little more than uniformed baby-sitters
If you'd like to spend many hours watching unimmpowered police do little more than social work, then enjoy.
The majority of their 'police' work appears to be dealibng with mental health issues, breaking up fights at closing time outside a bar and being verbvally abused thanks to a legal system that has little or no teeth when it comes to enforcement.
If you'd like to see a police show that features real police with real powers dealing with problem people in a no-nonsence way watch highway patrol...THIS is how policing should be .
It's difficult to watch as the editing is done in such a way that essentially, we see the same old stuff over and over.
Highway Patrol (2009)
My NEW favorite police show.
At 30 minutes this show dewfinitely moves along. Each episode is chock full of action from these no-nonse police. Compared to the frud that tried to entertain us today, this is an absolute gem/. There's not a lot 'preview' of what you're going to see one minute from now unlike new shows and equally, very little after-show waste of time except a tid-bit of whha's upcoming.
Happily tghere are quite a few seasons and I'll watch them with a smile on my face as the penalties are DECIDEDLY no-nonsense.
This used to be the way it was in Canada but sadly, the law, as I feel it had degenerated in Britain, has no TEETH anymore. Far too many tiny fines and community service or similar slaps on the wrist.
Perhaps the land down under is no longer like this, more's the pity, but at least these series are right on.
Injustice (2021)
Poor writing + poor acting = poor series
The writing is only marginal, and the acting is what you expect from such a marginal piece of work. The plot lines are transparent, and fore-shadowing is both obvious and colourless.
Police and legal procedures are distorted way out of shape, and you are required MANY times to completely suspend your own legal experiences to accommodate them.
Bland drone photography won't help either, and it's often as exciting as a root canal.
All in all, there is a lot of bad acting, particularly the 'cartoonish' bad cop who really needs to go back to acting school for a refit.
The others are only lacklustre and not helped by a see-through polt.
It is not worth your time.
Real Serpent: Investigating a Serial Killer (2024)
Yet another post-event whitewash
Mr. Sobhrah, if we believe the producers, was not paid for this interview. Let's say it might be true if you don't count an extensive stay in a luxury hotel all expenses paid.
So what do we get by way of entertainment you ask?
LIES and more lies. Denials of FACTS well documented at the time by the police of several countries.
If any attention should be given to these sad events and the miserable creature that did them, then let us hear from the families of the victims. They still suffer to this day, and this disgraceful whitewash does credit to no-one...least of all the production company.
Not worth the time to watch, and just barely worth my time to expose this lkiar for the murderer he is.
He should still be in jail today.
The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell (1955)
Interesting subject matter-poor execution
Sadly, Gary Cooper is a 'stand-out' in this picture for all the wrong reasons.
His acting at this point nearing the end of an illustrious career, is beyond dreadful. Most of his lines seem to have been delivered as if he had a hot pizza waiting in the wings and was anxious to be done with the movie so he couold eat some lunch. He is visably seen virtually 'chafing at the bit' waiting for his opposite to complete their lines so he can get on with it and be gone.
Bellamy is not terrible but frankly, his style of acting is more suited to the stage and it all seems rather forced and cumbersome.
Rod Steiger, admitedly never one of my favourite actors, delivers a memorably, but comppletely predictable overacting lesson to anyone willing to pay attention to him.
Unfortunatly for we viewers, this is a really intertesting story with so many mis-casts that it fairly boggles the mind what the producers were thinking.
Cooper, his 'High Noon' high of acting is sadly well beyond his sell-by date in 1955 and it shows.
The editing is sketchy and the combination of ego-driven actors competing to deliver their lines makes for a poor rendittion of an otherwise interesting tidbit of history.
All in all another 100 minutes of your life that you won't get back so, save it for some time with yopur kids and leave this loser on the oldies shelf, where it belongs.
The Wimbledon Kidnapping (2021)
COMPLETE waste of time
This farce, masquerading as a documentary is lacking in so many areas it would take a full sized novel to junst number them. The presence of one of the original kidnappers was intended, I presume, to encourage the potential viewer to think, incorrectly by the way, that he will, by his own words, tell the truth about the events.
He doesn't say anything about what he dide, the only events he speaks aboout, and there are darn feqw of them, are events in which he was NOT involved.
According to him he did not write anything, he did not speak on the phone, etc etc.
This despite the TRUE evidence that his fingerprints were found on the plastic flowers left as a marker to drop the suitcase and several others.
Granted, his brother Arthur, was the 'power' behind the kidnapping and murder of Mrs McKay but are we REALLY supposed to believe that he did it alone, unaided by his subserviant brother?
Don't waste your time watching this pretend documentary. There is nothing new AT ALL and any unanswered questions are still unanswered.
North Shore (2023)
Dreadful, predictable cookie-cutter police drama
WOW! I admit it, I had aimed low given the reality that this is an Australian police drama. I wasn't expecting too much but even my MODEST expectations were shockingly far too high.
This was nothing more than AVERAGE writing with a cookie-cutter plot that was trasnsparent.
The actors, with the single exception of the impported coroner, were absolutely DREADFUL and the lead female actress, whose name I will not mention, had, apparently just read through her part that morning.
READ, was what she did and there was little passion or empathy for her character.
She was not alone however and several of the other leads were nearly as bad as she was.
All in all, it was a complete waste of time and the poorest Scandanavian or European police drama would have easily outshone this pathetic excuse for entertainment.
Please do not waste your time watching this.
It doesn't qualify even as a time-waster in my opinion and ONLY if there are no more dishes to wash should you consider watching this thing.
Shaun Ryder on UFOs (2013)
What a MESS
This has to be the WORST excuse for a 'ducumentary-type' analysis of UFOs that I've ever seen.
Choosing Shaun Ryder might have seemed like a great idea over the third bottle of Chardonay in the wee hours of the morning. Unfortunately, in the cold light of day, he's not very many people's idea of a believable host for a subject already only just barely on the believability radar.
Half-shaven and rubbing his eyes, it's COLOSALLY clear he had just woken minutes before the camera bagan to shoot.
Why the producer, the P. A. and the makeup girl and his wife didn't tell him that there's a DISTINCT line between stylishly cut jeans and OLD TATTY FADED AND PATCHED ones. Sadly he chose the tatty ones.
The four episodes consist largely of re-visiting past UFO sighting locations and viewing sketchy video. Often we are subjected to blurry newspaper clippings in an effort, I suppose, to give some age and authenticity to the subject.
Interview after interview with witnesses, and the only thing missing is the one thing we'd absolutely LIKE to see......evidence.
Save the time to wash the cat, as this tedious and completely unentertaining bit of fluff will only help you sleep.
Cops on the Rock (2021)
FINALLY, some no-nonsense cops
I'm used to Western style policing nonsense cuffs on BEHIND YOUR BACK type.
This is the style here in NA and in Australia I believe. Sadly, the police in the UK seem to be all about being polite and courteous and ask the accused if the cuffs are too tight or if it's all right if they put them in the paddy wagon.
This show, in Gibraltar, is pretty old style hands-on policing with cuff first and ask questions later and by the way, 'No, you can't make a quick call before you get in the wagon."
Brit cops could learn a lot about common-sense policing from these shows and stop their mamby-pamby kid-glove brand.
Highly recommended.
Single-Handed (2007)
Solid 3 series and one final loser
This series is incredibly well done and provides just enoiugh twists and turns in the plot to make almost anyone happy. The characters are well acted and written and the plot, although simplistic at times, is sufficiently believable to keep the viewer viewing. The fourth series however is little more than an extended soap opera and becomes more and more romance-driven than is really good for a police drama. In my opinion the writers have by the end of series 3, run out of ideas and have fallen back to the tried and true rules. If all else fails, make some romantic conflicts between the participants and let the sparks fly.
Without series four this would have earned a solid 7.5 but the addition of a weak and LONG series 4 adds nothing except time.
Tornado Chasers (2012) slow as their vehicle
I had hoped that this show would be primarily about tornadoes and tornado chasing; it DEFINITELY is not.
What it is rather, is a daily, often hourly view of four friends who want to make money selling videos so what we end up viewing is shots of cameras taking shots or overviews of people working on computers making videos.
Primarily however, this show seems to be a critique of the MANY gas stations in America and the quality of fast-food they sell.
This occupies much of the time and seems to be the most discussed event of the day. Next, there is some general discussion about where to chase next but generally speaking, wherever the other 'professional' chasers are heading to will be in the opposite direction to what Reed wants to go. Sadly, this stubborn and implacable attitude often ends in tears, the viewer included.
By season one I had had enough of the minor politics and the lack of interesting video.
Let's face it, You-too provides, particularly these days, a far better view of the dramatic possibilities of storm chasing, and with much less 'filler'.
Fighting Dirty: Catching Criminal Dumpers (2022)
What a WASTE of time
This series could have been both informative and educational but for the ENDLESS repetitive stock shots of piles of garbage. Added to your 'entertainment' is the pointless over-voicing of the dire consequences of fly-tipping if you are caught.
A seemingly never-ending litany of dumping videos and rooting through piles of human, and animal waste promise up to a 50,000 pound fine.
Unfortunately the sad reality of this particular show is that NOTHING EVER HAPPENS by way of prosecution.
The very first episode, which should have showcased the series, shows irrefutable proof of guilt in at least 3 cases and the ONLY action taken is a SECOND warning to a dog breeder for adding huge filled bags of dog waste to her regular garbage collection.
SECOND WARNING....??...seriously? Is that an example of the strength of the bite the local council has?
NO FINES of any size at all and the meagre infraction prosecutions give one less and less confidence that the UK is seriously concerned by this behaviour.
Don't waste your time watching this non-programme unless you are entertained by PROMISES.
Karen Pirie (2022)
Finish your food before you speak your lines.
Who knows what qualities this series might have if the sound were 75% clearer.
I'm not talking about the accent....seen lots of Scottish series and never had a problem but if the actors have a mouthful of buttons, it's surely gonna be hard to understand.
The choice of the lead actress is obviously ticking the correct box.../.tin6y7, youthful and female. The only problem is she is just WRONG for the part.
Maybe....just maybe as the second fiddle but lead....c'mon.
All in all not entertaining as it is both predictable and lacking excitement.
Add to that a dreary Scottish landscape and you have one of the least inspiring dramas of late.
Move on.
Outlier (2020)
VERY poor acting by many of the primary actors
This is one of the most disappointing Nordic dramas I've seen in years.
The acting is positively WOODEN and the female lead is, I'm sorry to say, the worst.
The plot is completely fabricated and unrealistic and her interaction with the other actors is stilted and forced.
Initially the plot-line is rushed as if the writers can't wait to get into the meat of the story.
All in all, it was very difficult to watch and I was unable to watch it to the end.
NOT at all recommended.
Jakten på en mördare (2020)
Absolutely FIRST-RATE
This is just another in a string of EXCELLENT dramas out of Sweden.
The acting is perfect and the plot, although twisted and decidedly convoluted, is quite easy to follow..
The scenery is lovely and the music is perfect for this BLACK police drama.
All in all, it is one of the best mini-series I have seen in years and I highly recommend it.
If you're looking for a happy ending it may not suit you but if you want a decidedly NOIR drama, complete with perfectly-suited atmospheric music, this is right on the money.
Hidden Assets (2021)
Brilliant acting and writing.
Excellent police-style drama with great acting and superbly written.
Normally I am harsh on these types of dramas as I find most of them cookie-cutter made. Beautiful police women inspectors and dull men and every second scene laced with overt or suggested sex.
THIS is how a police drama should be written and presented.
Decidedly one of the best I have seen in MANY years and I hope there is a second season.
The female lead is outstanding and all the other ,members of her team as well as the overseas officers are excellent as well.
All in all a VERY enjoyable show with enough intertwined plot-lines to keep us intrigued but not so many we are confused.
VERY highly recommended.
Troppo (2022)
Female lead kills the series
This show had such a good start but within the first few episodes the character of the female lead is so abrasive and ridiculously contrary that it's hard to believe their relationship could continue.
The writing is OK and the photography was very good but the acting of the female lead is atrocious.
She needed to tone down the abrasive notes a lot but presumably the writer and producer wanted her to act that way.
In my opinion it was a HUGE mistake and in a genuine situation like the one they are supposed to be depicting, the male lead character would NEVER consent to work further with her.
Totally unbelievable and it's a shame because it's almost completely the result of the way the female lead is played..
No wonder it ended as it did.
Cracked (2013)
Don't waste your life watching this dog of a drama
Lazy formulaic writing combined with very lacklustre acting my the majority makes for a so-so police drama.
The premise is plausible but the instant dislike between the two schools of thought is almost embarrassing to watch.
You know already that respect will be grudging and hard to come by but love will conquer in the end.
I'm guessing about the eventual outcome as I couldn't bring my7self to watch more than 3 episodes.
Bland and what flavours there are are so cartoony predictable that it's more comedy than drama.
Unless there is literally NOTHING else to watch, don't waste your time with this loser.
No wonder they only made 2 seasons.
Whitstable Pearl (2021)
Danish it is NOT
This is exactly what Britain does when they see a Danish police drama. In terms of cooking it is equivalent of saying 'If one teaspoon of Ginger made these cookies delicious, then 20 teaspoons will be even more delicious'
Acting, given the weak and see-through writing is fine.
The sets are dreary and lacklustre and only the seaside scenes makes it even slightly visually appealing.
Typically modern Brit Police dramas present MANY suspects and as the 'story' unfolds, they are eliminated one by one while new ones are prepared and presented, as required.
Unfortunately they use what I like to call a 'Roadrunner' style to their drama. IF you are willing to accept that the Roadrunner can, in fact, run off the cliff and not fall by virtue of his constantly-spinning feet....then this as well is believable.
The necessity to accept stupid and illogical situations and actions is absolutely necessary to make this junk entertaining.....failing that, it's trash.
In balance however, while having a slightly more complex plot-line than Roadrunner, Roadrunner has far more VIVID colours so it's clear who is the winner.
If you CRAVE good police drama, stick to the Danes, the Sweedes, the French...almost anyone but modern Brit.
It's, at best, recycled once-good drama.
Das Geheimnis des Totenwaldes (2020)
A sophidticated hybred of Colombo and Road Runner
This series has all the sophistication of an episode of Colombo.
Imagine Colombo blended with the inevitability of Road Runner and you have a clue as to the sophistication of this police procedural drama.
The antics are strictly from the 70's and modern police rules and guidelines are flagrantly thrown out the window.
The actors are great and the scenery, although bleak and dark like most German dramas, is attractive overall.
The writing is DISMAL and it has the quality that would have disappointed a high school writing teacher.
The sheer number of dead ends and false leads is staggering and the volume of Red Herrings would make a Bouillabaisse large enough to feed the German army.
This show is one tiny insignificant plot and it's dragged, screaming and protesting for 6 agonizing episodes until I found, at episode 3, I didn't even care who did or didn't do it.
The Danes know Drama, the French understand love stories and the Italians know about marital strife. These people know nothing I want to watch.
(D)evil's Throat: Djavolskoto Garlo (2019)
Silly and contrived like a 70's Cop show
This has all the believe-ability of a Road Runner cartoon.
Within the first 10 minutes you are forced to accept situations and inabilities of the police that are from another generation of police dramas.
%0 years ago perhaps some of the silly7 antics of characters might pass to an otherwise naive and unaware viewing audience.
Today, suck silly stuff is just there to make poor writing seem like a good idea.
The acting is good and the sets are great...background scenery is superb and if this were a travel show I'd applaud it but it isn' a police drama and it has all the sophistication of a 70's era American cop-chase movie.
Didn't make it for me.
The Truth Will Out (2020)
PATHETIC attempt at a mocumentary
Poor editing, poor camera work....appalling and brainless interviewer.
Combine those stellar attributes with the most boringly unbelievable women imaginable and you have what I would confidently call the worst piece of film I've seen in many years.
Tornado Alley (2011)
Less actual content than a single episode of Storm Chasers
Despite the massive hype for the 'PERFECT SHOT'
of the inside of a a tornado, this 40 minute episode is really nothing more than a dull and lacklustre collection of stock cloud, storm and wrecked trailer parks and towns.
It shows NO IMAGINATION of depth and is so mundane that I watched an infomercial to wake myself up.
Sean's ego and his IMAX dreams don't come close to a single episode of Storm Chasers.
This should be called Tornado Dreams. Because that's mostly what it consists of.
Interspersed with snippets of his person life, Sean uses this fake-umentary to make himself look more human and compassionate than Storm Chasers does.
It does NOT succeed in erasing the mouth-taste that he left with Storm Chaser fans.
Do's bother with this thing and watch a re-run of Storm Chasers.
Storm Chasers (2007)
A pretty good show ruined by a massive ego.
Sadly, the show is spoiled by the massive ego of Sean Casey whose opinion is nearly always wrong.
Third season is done without the main predictor John Wurman who, despite a few incorrect predictions, is usually least for the right reason.
Sean has a one-track mind which includes ONLY film and his creation of the 'dream shot'.
Ask me if he ever gets it.
A glance on IMDB of the resulting movie will show you by the public ratings, what people generally thought of it.
Again in season 3 Sean privately mocks and criticizes the Timmer team for their rash actions, headline grabbing and copying his TIV.
Yet when Reed Timmer stops and greets him, Sean is all smiles and friendly greetings.
Clearly, by the look on Timmer's face, he is not fooled by Sean at all.
Ironically Sean's gripe about Timmer copying the TIV is doubly laughable as the second version of TIV, called TIV 2, does 1 crash and burn mission and stays in the garage being fixed for the entire season and well into the next one.
Who would want to copy a failure.
Aside from the usual ENDLESS REPETITIVE explanations of meteorological terms we long ago learned, they continue, EVERY EPISODE to pound it into the program.
Result, a nominally 1 hour program is actually, when you strip out the preview, postview and repetitive explanations of everything, maybe 20 minutes of actual NEW video.
Really not worth the time and more interesting and productive to go to the net and watch You*ube.