A rejoint le mars 2016
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Note de AlanaFu
Note de AlanaFu
Why this film is not on Bluray or even DVD I'll never know, it deserves to be on the top of every feminist film list, and is bound to blow the minds and empower many young audiences today.
This movie is not only under the big umbrella of a "can't-go-wrong Barbara Stanwyck movie", it also turns into an Ava Gardner movie to a Cyd Charisse movie then to a Van Heflin movie. Each actor giving powerful, charming, unforgettable performances. It's a perfect capture of romance and its many heartaches: addiction, unrequited love, wrong timing... It yields lessons of bravery, grace, patience, and the most ancient wisdom pervading all our favourite 40s movies: keep your chin up.
Not much of a movie, more of a 90 minute instagram story of Terence Stamp: lots of nature, doing extreme exciting stuff like hanging out of a helicopter(years before the invention of GoPro), sleeping on volcanoes, laying face down on a (toxic?!?!) sulfur mine, being a QWEEN, some relationship stats & amazing psych rock music. Far out concept of generating energy from the audience, the movie itself doesn't have much substance. 6 stars for Terence's dedication. This movie needs a remake, get on board Jodorowsky!