Genombrottet (2025)
Subtle but gripping
A poignant, subtle and well-paced Swedish true crime drama. There is sadness permeating every scene in the four episodes but it's captured in a very thoughtful way so it never feels like misery p*rn. The series doesn't ring sensational at any point and I thought it has been done with a lot of respect for the real people behind the story, including the families and the police officers.
Great performance by all the actors from beginning to end. I found the understated urgency and perseverence of the lead detective really touching and well acted. Overall, I watched it all in one day and felt on the edge of my seat to the very end.
Never Have I Ever (2020)
Loved it, come on S2!
What a funny, sweet and heartwarming series. Loved the entire cast! Really excited to see what happens next.
9-1-1: Lone Star (2020)
Great start! Give it a chance.
Wow this show is really pushing all kinds of boundaries, respect to the team behind it! You can just have a look at the negative reviews and immediately understand why we need more shows like this, diverse and engaging, exciting and eye opening. I'm really excited to see more and hope that people give it a chance despite all the bigots giving low ratings.
Virgin River (2019)
Can't wait for season 2!
So glad I gave this show a chance! From the trailer it looked similar to Hart of Dixie but it was so much better. Great characters, brilliant setting and storytelling, strong acting all around. Season 2 can't come soon enough, I need to know what happens with everyone!
The Society (2019)
Great first season!
For a teenage show, this was amazing! A lot darker than I initially expected, with twists and turns and good writing to back it up. What impressed me the most was the acting - really good performances by everyone! Can't wait for a second season, I hope it gets renewed!
Good Trouble (2019)
Callie has too many unnecessary storylines... would've been 10 otherwise
I love how vocal this show is about social issues and the fact it has so many diverse and interesting characters! But every episode I find myself skipping through at least 25% of it because it's either Callie having completely unnecessary intimate scenes, the made-up love triangle (which no one cares about) or screentime is wasted on her "lost in thought" about something that adds zero value to the story.. Mariana is meant to be the other main character but she gets half of Callie's screentime, while actually being charismatic and having something interesting to say. Give the rest of the characters the screentime they deserve and people might be more interested in this show!
Roswell, New Mexico (2019)
Really enjoying it so far
This is the first CW show I've liked in a very very long time! Give these guys a chance!
Woman Walks Ahead (2017)
Beautiful film and fantastic performance by Michael Greyeyes
Jessica Chastain might have been the reason I found out about this film (and I still enjoyed her performance) but the real star for me was Michael Greyeyes.
Overall a very beautifully shot and poignant film. It is a real shame it didn't get the theatrical release it deserved, as I would've loved to watch it in a cinema in the UK.