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修飾語句 修正筆誤 完成兒童與青少年一節譯文、增補成人一節部分譯文 标签:新用户加入疑似宣传性内容 |
PTSD的診斷最初是為遭受單一事件創傷(例如[[性侵]])或[[戰爭]]中經歷過創傷的成年人開發的。<ref name = traumacenter>{{cite web | url=http://www.wmich.edu/traumacenter/pdf/Complex%20Trauma%20and%20Developmental%20Trauma%20Disorder1%5D.pdf | title=Complex Trauma And Developmental Trauma Disorder | publisher=National Child Traumatic Stress Network | access-date=14 November 2013 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131205105733/http://www.wmich.edu/traumacenter/pdf/Complex%20Trauma%20and%20Developmental%20Trauma%20Disorder1%5D.pdf | archive-date=5 December 2013 | url-status=dead }}</ref> 但是,許多孩子的情況截然不同。兒童可能會遭受長期創傷,例如:[[虐待]]、[[家庭暴力]]、[[機能不全家庭|家庭失能]](英語:dysfunction),和可能包括和主要照顧者的[[依戀]]中斷。<ref name = Ford>{{cite journal | vauthors = Ford JD, Grasso D, Greene C, Levine J, Spinazzola J, van der Kolk B | title = Clinical significance of a proposed developmental trauma disorder diagnosis: results of an international survey of clinicians | journal = The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry | volume = 74 | issue = 8 | pages = 841–9 | date = August 2013 | pmid = 24021504 | doi = 10.4088/JCP.12m08030 }}</ref> 大部分情況是孩子的照顧者造成創傷。<ref name = traumacenter>{{cite web | url=http://www.wmich.edu/traumacenter/pdf/Complex%20Trauma%20and%20Developmental%20Trauma%20Disorder1%5D.pdf | title=Complex Trauma And Developmental Trauma Disorder | publisher=National Child Traumatic Stress Network | access-date=14 November 2013 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131205105733/http://www.wmich.edu/traumacenter/pdf/Complex%20Trauma%20and%20Developmental%20Trauma%20Disorder1%5D.pdf | archive-date=5 December 2013 | url-status=dead }}</ref> PTSD診斷未考慮兒童發育階段如何影響其症狀以及創傷如何影響兒童的成長。<ref name = traumacenter/> '''發育創傷障礙'''(英語:developmental trauma disorder,縮寫為DTD)一詞被提議視為兒童期的C-PTSD。<ref name = Ford/> 這種創傷的發展方式使兒童處於患精神和醫學疾病的風險中。<ref name = Ford/> {{link-en|貝索·馮·德·克洛|Bessel van der Kolk}}博士將DTD解釋為遭遇許多[[人際]]創傷,例如:人身傷害、性傷害、[[暴力]]或[[死亡]]。也可以透過主觀事件,如:{{link-en|遺棄|Abandonment (emotional)}},[[背叛]],失敗或[[羞恥]]造成。<ref name=":0">{{cite web | url=http://www.traumacenter.org/products/Developmental_Trauma_Disorder.pdf | title=Developmental trauma disorder | publisher=Psychiatric Annals | year=2005 | access-date=14 November 2013 | vauthors = van der Kolk B | pages=401–408}}</ref> 在兒童時期反
* ''依戀''-「存在關係{{link-en|界
* ''生物學''-「感覺-運動發育障礙
* ''情感或{{link-en|情緒調節|Emotional self-regulation}}''-「情緒調節不良
* ''[[解離 (心理学)|解離]]''-「[[失憶]]、[[人格解體]]、分離獨立的[[意識]]與分離獨立的[[記憶]]、情緒、功能,以及基於情緒的事件記憶受損」
* ''行為控制''-「有[[衝動控制]]、[[侵略 (社會科學)|侵略性]]問題、病理性[[自慰]]問題和[[睡眠疾患]]」
* ''認知''-「難以集中注意力;各種『[[執行功能]]』的問題,如:[[計畫]]、[[判斷]]、任務啟動力、使用物品、{{link-en|自我監控|self-monitoring}};難以[[資訊處理|處理新訊息]];難以集中精力和完成任務;{{link-en|物體恆定感|object constancy}}差;難以思考[[因果關係]];以及語言發展問題,例如接受訊息與表達的溝通能力間的差距」
* ''自我概念''-「自傳體敘事斷斷續續,[[身體形象]]混亂,[[自尊]]心低落,羞恥感過強以及自我的負面內在運作模式」
患有C-PTSD的成年人有時會在兒童時代開始經歷長時間的人際創傷,而不是在成年時期開始,或者也同樣於成人期遭遇人際創傷。這些早期傷害打斷了對自我和他人強烈的自我意識的發展。由於諸如照顧者或年長的兄弟姐妹之類的依戀對象經常造成身體和情感上的痛苦或忽視,因此這些人可能會感到自己從根本上存在缺陷,無法依靠他人。<ref name="Herman1992" /><ref name="Zlotnick1996">{{cite journal | vauthors = Zlotnick C, Zakriski AL, Shea MT, Costello E, Begin A, Pearlstein T, Simpson E | title = The long-term sequelae of sexual abuse: support for a complex posttraumatic stress disorder | journal = Journal of Traumatic Stress | volume = 9 | issue = 2 | pages = 195–205 | date = April 1996 | pmid = 8731542 | pmc = | doi = 10.1007/BF02110655 }}</ref> 這可能成為成人生活中與他人交往的普遍方式,稱為[[依附理論|不安全依戀]]。在當前的[[DSM-5]](2013)中,這種症狀既沒有包括在解離性障礙(英語:dissociative disorder)的診斷中,也沒有包括在PTSD中。患有複雜性創傷後壓力症候群的人也會表現出持久的人格障礙,同時有顯著的{{link-en|再次受害|Victimisation}}風險。<ref name="Ide2000">{{cite journal | vauthors = Ide N, Paez A | title = Complex PTSD: a review of current issues | journal = International Journal of Emergency Mental Health | volume = 2 | issue = 1 | pages = 43–9 | year = 2000 | pmid = 11232103 }}</ref>
建議以以下六類症狀作為診斷C-PTSD的依據:<ref name="Roth_1997">{{cite journal | vauthors = Roth S, Newman E, Pelcovitz D, van der Kolk B, Mandel FS | title = Complex PTSD in victims exposed to sexual and physical abuse: results from the DSM-IV Field Trial for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder | journal = Journal of Traumatic Stress | volume = 10 | issue = 4 | pages = 539–55 | date = October 1997 | pmid = 9391940 | doi = 10.1002/jts.2490100403 }}</ref><ref name="Pelcovitz1997">{{cite journal | vauthors = Pelcovitz D, van der Kolk B, Roth S, Mandel F, Kaplan S, Resick P | title = Development of a criteria set and a structured interview for disorders of extreme stress (SIDES) | journal = Journal of Traumatic Stress | volume = 10 | issue = 1 | pages = 3–16 | date = January 1997 | pmid = 9018674 | doi = 10.1002/jts.2490100103 }}</ref>
* 情緒和衝動調節的改變;
* 注意力或意識的改變;
* [[自我知覺理論|自我感知]]的改變;
* 與他人關係的改變;
* {{link-en|身體化症|Somatization}};
* 意義系統的改變。<ref name="Pelcovitz1997" />
這些領域的經歷可能包括:<ref name="TAR" />{{rp|199–122}}<ref name="NCPTSD">{{cite web |url=http://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/PTSD-overview/complex-ptsd.asp |title=Complex PTSD |year=2007 |publisher=[[United States Department of Veterans Affairs]] |work=www.ptsd.va.gov (National Center for PTSD)}}</ref>
* {{link-en|情緒調節|Emotional dysregulation}}的變化,包括:持續的[[煩躁|煩躁不安]],長期的[[自殺]]念頭,[[自殘]],爆炸性或極度壓抑的憤怒(可能交替出現)以及強迫性或極度壓抑的性行為(可能交替出現)等經歷。